Government and Politics
January 25, 2023
From: Kansas Governor Laura KellyWhile reviewing the calendars on Jan 23rd morning, I found a few new presentations and hearings. I have included the names and phone numbers of committee assistants if anyone would like to present testimony.
Tuesday, 1/24
8:30 Senate Public Health and Welfare, Presentation on Suicide Among Adolescents and Youths in Kansas, Room 142-S
10:30 am Senate Ways and Means, Briefing by staff on Special Committee on Intellectual and Develo0mental Disability (IDD) Wavier Modernization, Room 548-S
3:30 pm, K-12 Education Budget, hearing on HB 2060 Establishing the special education and related services funding task force, room 546-S, Patricia Rosario 785-296-3971
Wednesday, 1/25
KCDC Legislative Update House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 5004 which urges the US Congress to fully fund the federal government's original funding promise under the individuals with disabilities education act. There is a hearing Wednesday, January 25th in House K-12 Education Budget at 3:30 pm in room 546-S. Patricia Rosario is the committee assistant to call if you want to testify, phone number 785-296-3971.
Click here to view the copy of HCR 5004 for your information.
Thursday, 1/26
3:30 pm Social Services Budget, Overview of committee report from the Special Committee on IDD Waiver Modernization and overview of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waivers. Room 152-S
3:30 pm House Elections, Hearing on HB 2056 requiring all advance voting ballots to be returned by 8:00 pm on election day, Room 218-N, Dana Rooney 785-296-7357.