Government and Politics
December 19, 2024
Frankfort, KY - On December 19, 2024, Kentucky Democratic Party (KDP) Communications Director Jonathan Levin released the following statement on the Republican-driven government shutdown.
“At the direct orders of Elon Musk and Donald Trump, Republicans in Congress have chosen recklessness over responsibility. Kentucky’s workers, families, farmers, veterans, seniors, and men and women in uniform will pay the price if our federal government comes to a screeching halt.
“Thanks to the GOP extremists who reneged on a bipartisan, common-sense agreement, our Commonwealth could lose out on $683 million in investments — which includes disaster relief, economic assistance for farmers, and funding to repair the Federal Bureau of Prisons facility in Ashland. House Republicans, including those in Kentucky’s congressional delegation, are not only responsible for this mess - they have the means to end it.”