
Lifetime Arts Winter Newsletter - February 13, 2024

Arts and Entertainment

February 19, 2024

New year, new adventures!

It's hard to believe we're already seven weeks into another year of creative aging! This year, we've got big goals to refresh what we offer through an intensive strategic planning process, reach more people with new ways to engage in professional development, and re-imagine how we share the impact of creative aging. Scroll down for a few highlights, including opportunities to share your creative aging story and to register for a free webinar on serving America's older veterans through creative aging.

Here's what we are excited for in 2024!

Introducing our new menu of services...featuring new training courses and professional networking opportunities!

We've updated our menu of services to include two new exciting ways to keep your team on the cutting-edge of creative aging: Inclusive By Design: Engaging All Older Adult Learners and the Creative Aging Community Network. Check out our new menu of services for all our offerings. Now is the time to schedule any training or professional development you're hoping to do with your team this summer and fall! 

Sharing the Impact of Creative Aging

Julie Kline speaking at the American Alliance of Museums Conference in Boston 2022. Credit AAM

Nothing fuels us more than sharing the power of creative aging! This year we'll be presenting at at least two conferences the National Guild for Community Arts Education Conference and the 2024 Creative Aging Symposium in North Carolina. We're also gearing up to share all the amazing things we're learning from the Institute of Museum & Library Services' funded project with Missouri and Wyoming State Libraries. Stay tuned!

A creative class in session. Credit: India Home, New York City

Creative Aging is happening everywhere! Whether you’ve participated in the creative aging movement as a program administrator, teaching artist, or learner, we want to share the story of how it has impacted your life and your community. Click the link below to submit your creative aging story!

Share Your Story

Collaborating Across The Country

Annie Montgomery, Senior Designer & Trainer, leads a training at Third Street Music School in NYC in January.

Third Street Music School is well on their way as an exemplary age-friendly hub for creative aging!” - Julie Kline, Director of Education & Training

We love collaborating with people that are passionate about serving older adults in their communities  from big cities to rural outposts. In January, we trained staff and teaching artists at the Third Street Music School in NYC on how they can combat ageism and support their students’ artistic, physical, and social needs as they age through arts programs. Between now and June, we have upcoming trainings and convenings in Arizona, Idaho, Ohio, Nebraska, Nevada, Montana, Tennessee, Utah, and Wyoming. Follow us on social media for updates, highlights, and reflections from our staff and project partners.

Want to see your state on this list? 
Explore what we have to offer!

Register for our Upcoming Public Program

In this seminar, you’ll gain insights into building effective partnerships between cultural institutions and veteran-serving organizations and explore how creative aging arts programs offer proven health and wellness benefits and reduce social isolation for veterans 55 and better. You’ll also learn about successful Idaho-based programs from Laura Roghaar from the Idaho Commission on the ArtsKevin Wahlor from the Idaho Division of Veterans ServicesApril Floyd and Larissa Dittman from Idaho State Veterans Home.

Register for Free Now