
Lombardo’s Number Two Spreads Dangerous Election Lies

Government and Politics

July 2, 2024

Joe Lombardo’s second-in-command, Str Starvos Anthony, spewed dangerous conspiracy theories and doubled down on election denial alongside fellow election deniers RNC Chair Michael Whatley and Senate candidate Sam Brown. Anthony also said that anyone committing election fraud should be investigated, arrested and jailed, but Lombardo vetoed SB133, a bill that would have established felony criminal penalties for fake electors who attempt to steal Nevada’s electoral votes, as Trump supporters did in 2020.

Lombardo has also made protecting and uplifting election deniers central to his tenure. A report showed that Lombardo has endorsed multiple election deniers for elected office. In the state legislature races, Lombardo endorsed Carrie Buck who falsely claimed that “1,500 dead people voted in 2020;” Ken Gray, who said at a campaign rally in 2022, to a crowd of Trump supporters, “I do believe the election was stolen;” and Jill Dickman, who complained of “voter fraud” in a December 2020 Facebook post. In the Senate race, Lombardo is backing MAGA extremist Sam Brown, who has a long history of supporting election conspiracy theories and downplaying the violent events of January 6.  

“Joe Lombardo and his second-in-command Anthony Stravos are in lockstep with Donald Trump and MAGA extremists on their unfounded denial of the 2020 election,” said Nevada State Democratic Party spokesperson Tai Sims. “Lombardo will do and say anything for political gain including aligning himself with far-right extremists who spread dangerous lies and conspiracies that led to a deadly insurrection on January 6th.”

What people are saying:

@RalstonReports: Hey look, the No. 2 Republican in NV again baselessly sows doubts and stands next to indicted fake elector. Imagine if your job was just to go travel wherever you can and say stupid and dangerous things. 

Nice gig if you can get it.

@RalstonReports: The No. 2 elected Republican in Nevada is making unfounded charges of voter fraud tonight.

Nothing to see here.

@SteveSebelius: NV Lt. Gov. @StavrosAnthony tells crowd at volunteer rally that Democrats changed election procedures in order to “cheat,” citing mail ballots, vote harvest. Reminds crowd of his narrow loss to @rossjmiller by 10 votes. (15 after recount!)

@SteveSebelius: After @StavrosAnthony denounces mail ballots, RNC Chmn. @ChairmanWhatley says Republicans will embrace mail ballots as part of its early vote-banking program. One of those views is tactically smart.