
MBTS Public Library News And Events

Schools and Libraries

November 1, 2023

Help Us Plan the Next 30 Years

Manchester-by-the-Sea Public Library is preparing a grant application for the next round of construction grant funding from the state. To apply for the grant, which is due next Spring,  we are preparing a Library Building Program, a planning document which identifies what the community wants and needs from their library in the next few decades. To begin that process, we need lots of community feedback, so we are inviting community members, library users (and non-users) to participate and let us know what you think!

Please take our survey! Click here to take the survey online, on your own phone or device, or pick up a paper copy at the library.

Also, come to one of our public forums open to all

- November 15, 11am at Town Hall, room 5

- November 15, 6pm at Manchester-by-the-Sea Public Library