
National Day of Prayer

Government and Politics

May 4, 2023

From: Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy

WHEREAS, in 1952, a joint resolution by Congress declared an annual day of prayer, and in 1988, the law was amended to permanently set the day as the first Thursday in May each year; and

WHEREAS, faith has played a significant role in American history and has inspired the masses to seek unity through traditions like days of prayer and reflections; and

WHEREAS, Alaska’s population is composed of many different religious, spiritual, and cultural traditions, and many Alaskans are strengthened, assured, and lifted up through prayer; and

WHEREAS, citizens of our nation are afforded the privilege of individual prayer, which affirms our spiritual heritage and the principles upon which our nation was founded; and

WHEREAS, we offer prayers for our families, communities, state, and nation, and we ask that all citizens be given the wisdom, guidance, and opportunities to live enriching and fulfilling lives. In addition, we say a special prayer for all those serving in the military, as they have dedicated their lives to the service and protection of us all; and

WHEREAS, we are grateful for the many blessings and freedoms in our lives and through prayer, and faith, may seek to renew our commitment to being respectful and productive members of society.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Mike Dunleavy, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF ALASKA, do hereby proclaim May 4, 2023 as:

National Day of Prayer

in Alaska, and encourage all Alaskans to respect and observe this day of prayer in a manner of their personal choosing, to give thanks, and to seek the continued safety and well-being of all citizens.