
Paulding County Fair 2023

Arts and Entertainment

June 15, 2023

From: Paulding County Fair


Saturday, june 10, 2023

8-11 am: livestock pull in - west gate
Duhf fom must sf comflfd pkioh jo arrival'

11:30 am: livestock weigh-in 7 pm: demolition derby-Granstand

Sunday, june 11, 2023

8 am: vet checks - livestock barns 10 am:   church service - music by olga kipp sponsored by middle creek umc- SR Pavillion

1 pm: Jr fair dog show  - Show Area

2 pm: Pas horse show- Horse Arena

2 pm: kick ball tournament - jr fair only -behind so

3:30 pm: kiddie tractor pull - outside ext

6 pm: jr fair livestock barn meeting  - Show Area

7 pm: pete schlegel & band - Granstand

8 pm: Beater car - behind - Secretary's Office

Monday, june 12, 2023

9 am: jr fair goat show  - Show Area

12 pm: jr fair rabbit showmanship - SR Pavillion
jr fair rabbit breeding show - SR Pavillion

1pm 4-h food & nutrition judging - Youth Leadership Building

1pm mike bishop, hypnotist- SR Pavillion

3 pm: mike bishop hypnotist- SR Pavillion

3 pm: food & nutrition awards - ext

4 pm: harness racing - Granstand

5 pm: prince/princess & jr king & queen contest - Youth Leadership Building

5 pm: mike bishop, hypnotist- SR Pavillion

6:30 pm: jr fair parade

7 pm: jr fair king & queen coronation  - Show Area

8 pm: cornhole tournament-Show Arena

 Tuesday, June, 13, 2023

8:30 am: senior citizen day (reserve via paulding
County sr. Center)-ext

9 am: jr fair horse showmanship - Horse Arena  

9 am: ffa still project judging - ext

11:30 am: senior center lunch - ext 1

2-1 pm: senior center entertainment, tj hill
Magician - ext

1 pm: jr fair poultry show - Poultry Barm

1 pm  4-h clothing judging-Youth Leadership Building

3-4 pm: tj hill, magician - SR Pavillion

4 pm: 4-h clothing style review & awards - Youth Leadership Building
4 pm: harness racing-Granstand

4 pm: bean supper-veterans day-ext

5-6 pm: tj hill, magician - SR Pavillion

6 pm: jr fair swine show -Show Arena

7-9 pm: michael christopher duo singers - SR Pavillion

9-10 pm: jr fair youth dance - SR Pavillion

Wednesday, june 14, 2023

9 am: 4-h Small Animal, Vet Science, Leadership
Still Project Judging - Youth Leadership Building

9 Am: Jr Fair Market Rabbit Show - SR Pavillion

10:30 Am: 4-H Small Animal, Vet Science, Leadership
Project Awards -Ext

1 Pm: Jr Fair Sheep Show  - Show Area  4 Pm    Jr Fair Beef/Dairy Feeder Show  - Show Area

4 pm: arness Racing'rain Date*-Granstand

5 Pm: Open Swine Show (Jr Fair Only) Entries
Close - Secretary's Office

5-6 Pm: Tj Hill, Magician - SR Pavillion7-8 Pm    Tj Hill, Magician - SR Pavillion

7:30 Pm: Jr Fair Feeder Calf Auction  - Show Area

Thursday, june 15, 2023

9 am: jr fair pleasure & performance horse show - Horse Arena

9 am: 4-h cloverbud show & tell-Youth Leadership Building

10 am: paulding county animal & me show  - Show Area  12 pm: rufus the dufus - SR Pavillion

1 pm: goat obstacle course  - Show Area

1 pm: flying solo shows - SR Pavillion

3 pm: rufus the dufus- SR Pavillion

4 pm: flying solo shows - SR Pavillion

6 pm: open swine show-jr fair only-Show Arena

6 pm: koi drag racing - Granstand

7 pm: rufus the dufus- SR Pavillion

8 pm: flying solo shows - SR Pavillion

Friday, June 16, 2023

9 am: 4-h conservation, science & engineering
Judging-Youth Leadership Building

11:30 am: 4-h conservation, science & engineering
Awards - ext

12-2 pm: children choosing christ (theme: ultimate mystery) - SR Pavillion

1 pm: 4-h family consumer science judging - Youth Leadership Building

2 pm: open beef show entries close - Secretary's Office

2 pm: performance dogs of ohio - SR Pavillion

3 pm: showman of showmen contest  - Show Area

3 pm: performance dogs of ohio- SR Pavillion

3:30 pm: 4-h family & consumer sciences awards - ext

4 pm: performance dogs of ohio - SR Pavillion

5 pm: black swamp beef showdown  - Show Area  5-7 pm:  liberty rose band - SR Pavillion

6 pm: jr fair horse contesting show - Horse Arena

7 pm: ntpa tractor pull-Granstand

Saturday, June 17, 2023

8-9 am: farmer share breakfast - fb 9 am:  jr fair livestock auction  - Show Area

12 pm: polls open for voting for ag society - Secretary's Office

2 pm: entries close for open goat/sheep show -so

4 pm: horse fun show (jr fair only) - Horse Arena

4 pm: voting polls close for ag society board of
Directors-so 4:30 pm:  black swamp open goat & sheep show  - Show Area  

5-7 pm: neon straight jackets band- SR Pavillion 7 pm:  rodeo-Granstand'fireworks after rodeo"

please be advised this fair schedule may be subject to change

Date: June 10-17, 2023

Cost: Fair admission is free!

1pm-10pm - Free rides 6/10 - 6/17

Location: Paulding County Fairgrounds - 501 Fairground Drive, Paulding, OH 45879

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