Schools and Libraries
June 19, 2023
From: Pequot LibraryWe're counting down the days until the opening of our next big exhibition, The Book Beautiful: Selections from the Private Press Movement, a celebration of the Arts and Crafts Movement and one of its major players, William Morris. We focus this week on some of the lesser-known aspects of William Morris' legacy: his influence on the youth fantasy genre and his design of typefaces. See Upcoming Programs for more details on the Opening Reception and companion programs related to this exhibition, and read on for other announcements and updates!
The Excitement of Opera: Music, Story, Voice
TODAY (June 17) at 2:00 p.m.
Professional operatic soprano Jamie Ratcliffe leads an educational concert experience. Learn about opera music, stories, and motifs and hear selections from famous operas appropriate for all ages.
The Book Beautiful: Selections from the Private Press Movement Opening Reception
June 22 at 6:00 p.m.
The Private Press Movement was an offshoot of the Arts and Crafts Movement and flourished around the turn of the 19th century. Led by William Morris, its adherents rejected modern, mechanized book production in favor of exquisitely crafted texts and bindings produced using traditional techniques. The Book Beautiful: Selections from the Private Press Movement explores this rich period in book design, highlighting fine examples from Pequot Library’s Special Collections.
The Opening reception Thursday, June 22 runs from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., with a gallery tour led by Special Collections Librarian and curator Cecily Dyer at 6:30 p.m.
Join us also for the following companion programs:
The Book Beautiful Today: The Resilience of Traditional Book and Letter Arts, June 24, 2:00 p.m.
Private Press: William Morris | Earthly Paradise, June 29, 6:00 p.m.
Private Press | William Morris: His Textiles and Designs, July 6, 6:00 p.m.