
Polk County Public Schools Updates: April 24, 2023

Schools and Libraries

April 24, 2023

From: Polk County Public Schools

Good morning,

 - The Polk County School Board will have a work session at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25, followed by a regular board meeting at 5 p.m. Please see our  website for details: https://polkschoolsfl.com/newsrelease/polk-county-school-board-meeting-on-april-25/

 - PCPS is hosting an online districtwide job fair tomorrow (Tuesday, April 25) from 5 to 8 p.m. to recruit teachers, bus drivers and other positions for the 2023-24    school year. More info: https://polkschoolsfl.com/newsrelease/pcps-online-hiring-event-on-april-25/

