
Religious School-Block

Government and Politics

June 25, 2024

Oklahoma Democratic Party Responds to Oklahoma Supreme Court Decision Blocking Religious Charter School

The Oklahoma Democratic Party expresses its strong support for today’s decision by the Oklahoma Supreme Court to block the establishment of the nation’s first religious charter school, St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School. This decision represents a critical defense of the principle of separation of church and state, which is fundamental to the foundational principles of our democracy.

The proposal to fund St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School with taxpayer dollars as a charter school, while integrating religious instruction into its curriculum, raised serious concerns about the appropriate use of public funds and the potential for religious discrimination in admissions and teachings. By rejecting this proposal, the Oklahoma Supreme Court has upheld the integrity of our public education system and safeguarded the rights of all students and families in Oklahoma.

The Oklahoma Democratic Party recognizes our constitutional right to quality education options for all students, regardless of their background or beliefs. Public education serves as the cornerstone of our state, promoting inclusivity, diversity, and equal opportunity. Allowing taxpayer funds to be diverted to religious institutions through the guise of charter schools would set a dangerous precedent, undermining the secular nature of our public education system.

This decision also underscores the critical role of our judicial system in ensuring that constitutional principles are upheld and that the rights of all Oklahomans are protected. We commend the justices of the Oklahoma Supreme Court for their commitment to interpreting the law in a manner that respects both religious freedom and the Establishment Clause.

While we understand that this decision may be subject to further legal challenges, potentially facing appeal. The Oklahoma Democratic Party remains steadfast in supporting the separation of church and state and preserving public education as a secular institution.

As this case unfolds, the Oklahoma Democratic Party will continue to advocate for policies that strengthen our public education system and uphold the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma.

Lauren Craig
Interim Executive Director
Oklahoma Democratic Party
[email protected]

About the Oklahoma Democratic Party:

The Oklahoma Democratic Party is dedicated to promoting the values and principles of the Democratic Party in the state of Oklahoma. We strive to build a more inclusive and prosperous future for all Oklahomans through progressive policies and effective governance.