
Resolution: Congratulating Republican Leaders On Major Victories In November

Government and Politics

February 19, 2025

WHEREAS, November 5, 2024 was arguably the most important election in generations; and
WHEREAS, the Republican Party won record levels of support across the country; and
WHEREAS, President Donald J. Trump was elected the 47th President of the United States, winning
312 electoral votes, 31 states, and the popular vote for the first time in two 2 decades; and
WHEREAS, JD Vance, a son of Appalachia, was elected Vice President of the United States; and
WHEREAS, President Trump and Vice President Vance won every county in West Virginia and 70%
of the vote - the only state in the Union to achieve both; and
WHEREAS, Patrick Morrisey was decisively elected Governor of West Virginia, running on a strong
conservative Republican platform; and
WHEREAS, Jim Justice was overwhelmingly elected to the U.S. Senate, joining Senator Shelley
Moore Capito in the now Republican-controlled Senate that is ready to implement the Trump agenda;
WHEREAS, Representatives Carol Miller and Riley Moore were elected with ease, helping secure
Republican control of Congress; and
WHEREAS, Republicans were victorious in every Board of Public Works election in the Mountain
State: JB McCuskey, Kris Warner, Larry Pack, Kent Leonhardt, and Mark Hunt; and
WHEREAS, the West Virginia Legislature has now reached record levels of Republican control,
having won 32 of 34 Senate seats and 91 of 100 House seats; and therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the West Virginia Republican Party celebrates the historic
victories we experienced in November and recommits itself to ensure these victories, in elections and
in governance, continue.

Adopted by the West Virginia Republican State Executive Committee on February 8, 2025