Arts and Entertainment
July 13, 2024
From: Rock The Dock Music FestivalRock the Dock Music Festival takes place at The Lake George Steamboat Company in Lake George, NY. This festival is for all ages and will feature live music on the pier, surrounded by the beautiful Adirondack mountains. Enjoy the sounds of several well-known jam bands from the dock or aboard the steamboats that surround the stage. This truly is one of the most unique experiences you will get from a live concert.
Expanding upon a wide range of styles and sounds, Lotus is considered a multi-genre band. The group incorporates elements of rock, electronica, jazz, jam, hip-hop, funk and other influences. The band originally played as a jamband that leaned heavily on the sounds of funk, rock and jazz and with improvisational styles similar to Phish, Allman Brothers and The Grateful Dead. Jesse Miller said of the band's sound: "I truly believe Lotus' sound comes from the roots of rock 'n' roll mixed with electronic beats that are popular today. It took a long time for us to finally find a sound we all agreed on. But believe me, we experimented plenty before deciding what sound we were looking for". Lotus has also been known to experiment with a diverse set of genres regularly incorporating hip-hop and dubstep sounds and samples into their live shows.
Main stage
4-4:45pm: Quantum cosmic
5:05-5:50pm: Formula 5
6:10-7:10pm: Wild adriatic
Side stage
4:45-5:05pm: Neon Avenue
5:50-6:10pm: Neon Avenue
7:10-7:30pm:Neon Avenue
8:45-9:15pm: Neon Avenue
11pm: After Party: Two Planets Away at the Lagoon
July 13, 2024
Lake George Steamboat Company, 57 Beach Road
Lake George, NY 12845
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