
Sharp HealthCare News - May 3, 2023

Health and Fitness

May 5, 2023

From: Sharp HealthCare

Dynamic duo: Laurie and Ethel on paw-trol 

This pet therapy pair at Sharp Grossmont Hospital shares a story of meant-to-be love and the work they adore.

Understanding anxiety

Anxiety has increasingly become
a concern for people of all ages in the U.S.

Deep brain stimulation (video)

Parkinson’s, essential tremor and other movement disorder patients can benefit from this technology.

Can pancreatitis become pancreatic cancer?

Pancreatitis can indicate cancer and should be taken seriously.

Clinic offers post-cancer care

The Moving Ahead Head and Neck Cancer Survivorship Clinic helps patients after their treatment.

Fertility after 35

Learn what to do to increase
your chances of getting pregnant after 35.

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