
Spring Mysteries Festival 2025

Arts and Entertainment

March 25, 2025

From: Spring Mysteries Festival

Since 1985, Aquarian Tabernacle Church has been continuing the Eleusinian Mysteries originally held in Ancient Greece. These mysteries, held every year in honor of Demeter and Persephone, explore universal concepts and truths from the perspective of the seeker of hidden knowledge. Our Priests and Priestesses spend 3-4 months preparing for the festival, working with the energies of the Gods and rehearsing the ritual drama that is presented over 4 days for hundreds of people each Easter Weekend.

Though the main portions of the event focus on Greek deities, there are many workshops and other groups that bring a plethora of alternate ways to explore, including the general mysteries of women, men and those who identify as a mixture of both energies. There is also a vendors space, with many often-requested items and trinkets to take home, and plenty of space for conversations or introspective moments.

Everyone who attends will come away transformed and with wonderful memories of their time in Eleusis.

Schedule of Events:

April 16, 2025

Arriving at Eleusis

2 pm - Registration Opens! you must have registered for Wednesday Evening Rituals in order to register on this day

3 pm - Eris' Golden Apple Ritual

4 pm - Asclepius Healing Circle

5 pm -  Staff and Devotee Shrine Time!

6 pm - Dinner (meal not provided)

7 pm - Fly Agaric Social

8 pm - Baubo's Giggliana

9 pm - "A Modern Rite for Pan" by Jason Mankey

April 17, 2025

Thursday - Summoning the Holy City

3 pm - Registration Opens!

4 pm -Workshops:

Newcomer's Orientation - Brenna Grace

Greek Costuming Workshop - Kara Williams

5 pm - Opening Circle

6 pm -

1. Leadership Dinner

2. Concert by Celia Ferran

8 pm - Adult Affirmation of Path (AAOP), Youth Rite of Passage (YROP)

9 pm - Temple of Aphrodite Ritual - Skyclad

April 18, 2025

A Day of Offerings

8 am - Morning Devotional

9 am -

Haladai Mystai - Parade to the Sea

Heireia Deuro - Visiting the Temples (the 2 hours following Haladai Mystai)

12pm - Time for Lunch

1 pm - Children Craft

2 pm - Workshops:

1: "Leadership and Current Issues Challenging Paganism" with Belladonna LaVeau

2: "Throwing Bones: A Beginner's Workshop" with Atalanta Moonfire

3: "Hekate Invocation Chant Workshop" with Celia Ferran

4: "Hearth Magick" by Emily Guenther

3 pm - Workshops:

1: "The Minoan Influence on Greek Religion" by Jezibell Anat

2: "Amanita Muscaria: The Witches' Magick" by David Samas

3: "Hekate's Keys of Transformation: Unlocking Shadows" by Miss Flame

4 pm - Workshops:

1: "Dance Workshop: 'The Well' Dance" by Kara D. Williams

2: "Spells and How to Make Them Work" by Tish Owens

3: "Drawing Down the Moon: The Magick and Mystery of Deity" by Jason Mankey

4: "Finding Honey to Make Exotic Meads" by Josh Carpenter

5 pm - Workshops:

1: "Goddess Kybele Workshop" by Ariana Serpentine

2: "Money Chant Workshop" by Celia Ferran

3: Spring Awakening: Hernesing the Power of Herbs and Stones for Renewal" by Mary Ellen Colfer

4: "Growing Your Group: The World Needs You!" by Steven Guenther

5: WSTS Circle & Quarter Testing with Kara Williams

6 pm - Dinner (meal not provided)

7 pm - Paris Fashion Show & Apollo's Talent Show

9:30-11pm - Celia Farran Concert!

April 19, 2025

The Mysteries of Eleusis

8 am - Morning Devotionals

9 am - Lesser Mysteries I

10 am - Processing with the Priesthood

11 am - Workshops:

1: "Past Life Regression" by Tish Owens

2: Coming Soon!

3: Coming Soon!

12 pm: Workshops:

1: "Q&A Session with SPA" by Spiritual Professionals Association

2: "The Mysteries of Eros: Movement, Stillness & Erotic Urge in the Universe" by Taylor Ellwood

3: Coming soon!

2 pm - Lesser Mysteries II

4 pm - Recover and Prepare for Dinner

6 pm - Wedding Banquet

Menu: Hummus

Baba Ganoush

Mixed Grilled & Fesh Vegetables

Greek Meatballs


Assorted Olives

Warm Pita & Pita Chips

7 pm - The Greater Mysteries Celebration

Pan's Dance Party

Hera and Zeus' Champagne Room

Athena's Symposium

9 pm - Dionysian Revel - Jason Mankey

Poseidon's Pool Party

Hestia's Fire Circle

Stay and dance the night away after experiencing the Mysteries of Eleusis!

April 20, 2025

our farewells..

8 am - Goat Pajama Party (Wear your onesies to breakfast at the hotel restaurant!)

10:30 am - How to Get Involved in the Mysteries with Belladonna LaVeau

11 am -  Closing Circle

Date: April 16 - 20, 2025

Location: Hilton Seattle Airport And Conference Center, 17620 International Boulevard Seattle, WA 98188

Click here to Register

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