
Statement: Michigan Dems Chair Hertel Condemns State Rep. Schriver’s Homophobic Anti-Marriage Equality Resolution

Government and Politics

February 24, 2025

LANSING — Earlier on Feb 24th, Republican state Representative Josh Schriver announced that he, and a group of 12 state Republican representatives, would be putting forth a resolution supporting the overturning of Obergefell v. Hodgesthe marriage equality Supreme Court case. With this landmark Supreme Court case just hitting its 10-year anniversary, Schriver has decided that LGBTQ Michiganders should once again be sentenced to second-class citizenship. 

“Unfortunately, this isn’t a surprise coming from Josh Schriver and the right-wing extremists that populate Matt Hall’s Republican caucus – and it’s deeply dangerous,” said Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Curtis Hertel. “Schriver is attacking hundreds of thousands of Michiganders who are nurses, teachers, soldiers, and beloved members of the community. 

“From spreading racist conspiracy theories to homophobic rhetoric, Schriver does not deserve to serve the people of Michigan, let alone sit on a politically motivated oversight committee in the state House. Thankfully, I know that Democrats will continue to fight for Michiganders’ civil rights and personal freedoms in the face of these ugly attacks.”