
Storyhill Fest 2023

Arts and Entertainment

July 26, 2023

From: Storyhill Fest


Friday, August 25, 2023

12:00 p.m: Festival gates open
4:00 p.m: Food vendor open
4:00 p.m: Fest Kick-off - The Two Tracks
5:00 p.m: Nikki Morgan
6:00 p.m: Sarah Morris
7:00 p.m: Justin Roth
8:30 p.m: Storyhill
10:30 p.m: Campfire

Saturday, August 26, 2023

8:00 a.m: Food Vendor Open

9:00 a.m: Yoga  - Taught by Certified Yoga Instructor Velma. This will be held outdoors, weather-permitting. Bring a mat if you are able.
Open to all abilities and ages

9:00 a.m: Chad Elliott: Wilderman’s Treetop Tales - Music for the Young and Young-At-Heart - Pavilion
Chad Elliott is a man of Many talents. One of them we just learned about is entertaining the young ones with music and stories. This was a Huge hit with kids and adults alike last year! While adults are allowed, we ask that you save the good seats for the youngest among us.

10:00 a.m: Sarah Morris: The Steady Beat Of It: Finding rhythms and practice to sustain our creative spirit
In the flow, writer’s block, on a roll, in a rut…the highs and lows of creative living can feel thrilling, and/or tiring.  Fostering and committing to a practice - whether daily, weekly, or seasonally - can offer a solid foundation to weather well the natural waxing and waning of inspiration or spark.  Join Sarah Morris for a conversation around rituals, habits, systems that serve and nourish our creative work.

10:00 a.m: Craft Activity
We have a fun and fest-themed craft activity for kids and grown-ups. You can also pick up a nature scavenger hunt to do with your kiddos.

11:00 a.m: Food Vendor Open

11:00 a.m - 12:30 p.m: Vance Gilbert: Songwriting through the Eyes of Performance
A great song does not by itself get heard. It needs to be performed so that a producer, publisher, record exec, and most importantly your fans can be part of it’s full impact. It’s a "collision course" Vance offers where performance and songwriting are inextricably intertwined  entities. Here’s your chance to pick up and hone some skills that will make your song and it’s presentation shine. Everything from keeping time, arrangement of the song, what key, "getting the guitar out of the way", the cliché police, posture, vocal stuff, even how to approach the stage and plug in the guitar will be examined one-on-one, on the mic, in a safe and supportive "open mic-ish" atmosphere.

1:00 p.m: Guitar Round Table
Some of us are singers who were forced to learn the guitar. Some of us are guitar players who learned to sing. Then there are those of us who can’t even tap our heads and rub our bellies at the same time. Regardless of your skills, we’ll save you a seat. Let’s share some stories about how we found our way with a guitar, or what amazes us. We want to hear your stories too.

2:00 pm - Songwriting Panel with Fest Artists
The songwriting process seems very mystical. You’ve got questions, and a panel of Fest musicians will make up answers. Where does your inspiration come from.  How do you know when a song is finished.  I’ve got this phrase in my head, is it a chorus or a verse.  

3:00 pm - Open Mic Stage
New this year! If you are a singer/songwriter and would like an opportunity to perform a song or maybe two for some of the Storyhill Fest audience, you are in luck

4:00 p.m: Food vendor open
4:00 p.m: Molly Maher Kicks off Saturday’s Music Lineup
5:00 p.m: Scott Cook
6:00 p.m: Humbird
7:00 p.m: Vance Gilbert
8:30 p.m: Storyhill
10:15 p.m: Campfire

Sunday, August 27, 2023

8:30 a.m: Community coffee
12:00 p.m: Festival gates Close

Date: August 25 - 27, 2023


Clearwater Forest Camp
Deerwood, MN 56444

Click Here For More Information