Arts and Entertainment
July 15, 2024
From: Sweet Corn Festival at Mayse FarmMayse Farm Market is hosting a Sweet Corn Festival at our farm!
Mr. Mayse has been growing sweet corn for over 50 years so we are celebrating a summer day at our farm with good food, play, and music. This is family friendly event for all ages.
Offering our market shopping, food trucks, live music by The Honey Vines, swing set, sand pit, slides, farm animals, sunset photography spots, and our farm country atmosphere.
Our market will be full of fresh homegrown produce including our sweet corn, local melons, bakery goods, and more!
Pets are prohibited. No outside food or drinks may be brought in. You are welcome to bring lawn chairs or towels while you hang out and listen to the band.
This is a FREE public event and all we ask is you to kindly please support our market & bakery, the food trucks, and many claps for the featured band! Let's end summer with a bang!!
Date: July 27, 2024
Time: 10:00am - 9:00pm
Location: Mayse Farm Market,
6400 N Saint Joseph Ave,
Evansville, IN
Click here for more information