
Thomas County Public Library System Happening - March 20, 2023

Schools and Libraries

March 21, 2023

From: Thomas County Public Library System

16 March Pulp Fictions

I recently finished reading my first Stephen King novel.  It was The Shining.  My mother selected this novel for Round 2 of our micro-unit reading challenge.  (This is a challenge we came up with to choose a book we have previously read, something the other would likely not ever pick up regardless of the not-so-subtle prodding we may have given, but, that we think they may actually like.  The reader must give the book a chance – at least 50 pages or so in – but may, of course, stop reading it if it simply is not their jam.  It is a rather fun, exciting challenge.  The big “book reveal” being our favorite part – such anticipation!  The book I chose for her was Tender Is the Flesh, by Agustina Bazterrica.  Translated, speculative fiction – not her thing, but she’s almost through with it.)

As we were chatting about The Shining, I told her that she was right:  It really wasn’t that scary.  (I do not dig horror as a genre, it keeps me awake, I’m a chicken.)  It also strongly differed from the movie.  Even though I have never seen it, I still know of key scenes and the general storyline.  (Spoiler alert: The ghost-y twin girls play no role in the book and there are hedge animals, not a maze.)  What it was, to the both of us, is a bit campy.  My mother told me she considered Stephen King a bit of a pulp fiction writer.  I hadn’t considered his novels as pulp fiction, but then I realized it didn’t really know what, exactly, was considered ‘pulp fiction’

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Programs for Adults

Library Board Meeting

Monday, March 20, 1:00pm

The Board of Trustees of the Thomas County Public Library System will hold a regular Board Meeting on Monday, March 20, 2023 at 1 PM at the main library in Thomasville.  Open to public attendance and comment.

VITA Assisted Tax Filing

Tuesdays, Feb 7 - April 18.  BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.

Volunteers from the IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program will be will be offering free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals.  These qualifications include:

-People who generally make $50,000 or less;

-Persons with disabilities; and

-Persons 65 years or older.

Appointments must be made via phone or in person with our Reference Desk.  Call 229-225-5252 for more details.

Friends of the Library Used Book Sale

Every Tuesday, 10:00am - 5:00pm

Our Friends the the Library used book store is open every Tuesday, from 10am to 5pm.  Here, you will find hardbacks, paperbacks, DVDs, magazines, puzzles and more.  All softly used and in good condition.  Nothing over $5.00.  All proceeds are used to help fund library programs and materials

Bloom In To Art: An Art Show

Feb 21 - March 31, Henry Flipper Meeting Room

The Pines & Palms Annual Member Exhibit has a new date!

Stop in and enjoy the original artwork from members of the Pines & Palms Artist Association. Free to view during open hours.  On display in the Henry Flipper Room, Feb 21 – March 31.  Artwork is available for purchase through PinesAndPalms.org.

Programs for Youth

Story Time: Toddlers + Tykes

Thursdays, 10:30am

us every week in the Children's Department for an hour of stories and fun!  Enjoy a few great books, sing songs and recite rhymes designed to enhance the literacy of your child. Every Story Time is wrapped-up with a fun, simple art + craft project.  An excellent space to meet others in the community!


Thursdays, 4:00pm

Calling all kid LEGO masters and first-timers!  Our LEGO group meets every week to create and build whatever they can imagine.  A great place to meet and mingle with other children interested in 3D creation.  We also offer larger LEGO bricks for those who may find the smaller bricks tasty.  Intended for ages 4-11 years with their caregivers.

Pop-Up Library @ Hunter's Chase Apartments

Wednesday, March 22, 3:00pm-4:00pm

Our spring semester Pop-Up visits are taking place at Hunter's Chase Apartments this year!  If you or a friend live in the area, spread the word!  We will be checking-out books and accepting book returns.  Don't have a library card?  No worries!  We can help you become a library member too

See Full Calendar


Boston Library -

Quiddler Club

Every Tuesday, 2:00pm

Every Tuesday the Quiddler Club meets to socialize and enjoy a few rounds of the word-card game, Quiddler. The object of the game is to get points by combining the lettered cards in your hand and make words.

To join or have any questions answered, call Suzanne Moore at the Boston Library at 229-498-5101.

Coolidge Library -


Wednesday, March 22, 4:30pm

Drop in this afternoon for the monthly meeting of Coolidge’s unofficial LEGO Club for kids! All builders are invited: from novice to master.  We also have larger LEGO bricks for those that find the smaller ones tasty.  All ages welcome.

Ochlocknee Library -

Arts + Crafts (for kids)

March 20 - 23, Drop-In Activity

Project this week: rainbow windchime.  Complete in the library or at home.

Pavo Library - 

All-Ages Crafting

March 20 - 23, Drop-In Activity

Activity this week: suncatcher ornament.  All ages welcome to participate.