Schools and Libraries
February 11, 2023
From: Tifton - Tift County Public LibraryFebruary 13, 2023 – February 18, 2023
Art Club
Everyone is invited to join the Art Club and try their hand at painting on Monday, February 13th at 5 PM.
Bouncing Bees
Join us for stories, songs, rhymes, and more for babies and their caregivers. Bond with your little ones, make new friends, and establish the foundations of a future love of reading! Buzz by on Tuesday, February 14th at 10 AM for this 20–30 minute program
Cupid’s Cafe
Get crazy this Valentine’s Day with our family-friendly Cupid’s Cafe! Enjoy dinner with a side order of love-themed crafts with wacky names! Join us on Tuesday, February 14th from 5–6 PM for food, fun, and a whole lot of craziness
Sewing Friends-y
Sewing Friends-y is a project based sewing group for all sewing enthusiasts, from people who have never stitched before to those with years of sewing experience. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 4:00–5:45 PM to work on projects, both individually and as a group, to learn, and to enjoy the company of other stitchers. Sewing machines and supplies are available, but if you have your own portable machine, bring it! We have plenty of plugs and power!
Click Here For More Information