
Town of Brewster Recent Updates - February 1, 2023

Government and Politics

February 5, 2023

From: Town of Brewster

Recent Updates from the Town of Brewster Website


Town Launches Online Permitting Platform

The Town of Brewster is pleased to announce that our Health and Building Departments recently launched a new online permitting platform, which can be accessed here: https://brewsterma.viewpointcloud.com

This is a web-based permitting system that allows contractors and homeowners to create an account, apply for permits, upload required documents, and pay permit fees all in a few easy steps. The system also sends out regular email notifications to applicants for each step in the process, including approvals and inspections (some limitations apply).

Watch the video below for a step-by-step guide on how to use ViewPoint Cloud.

Online Permitting with the Town of Brewster from Town of Brewster, MA on Vimeo.

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