
Town Of Castle Rock News : Council Update - January 3, 2023

Government and Politics

January 5, 2023

From: Town Of Castle Rock

Jan. 3 Council update: Crowfoot Valley Road widening project design moves forward

Recommendations for the Crowfoot Valley Road widening project design were approved at Town Council’s Jan. 3 meeting. The Canyons Far South annexation public hearing has been moved to the Feb. 21 Council meeting.

Here is a closer look:

Crowfoot Valley Road widening project  – Council approved Town staff’s recommendation that the Crowfoot Valley Road widening project design include constructing left-turn acceleration lanes at non-signalized intersections and wide medians with a vertical element where feasible along with a new traffic signal at Sapphire Pointe Boulevard.

Crowfoot Valley Road is slated to be widened from Knobcone Drive to Macanta Boulevard to improve capacity to accommodate forecasted growth, improve safety for the traveling public and minimize delays to vehicles making turns from intersecting streets.

The project team assessed two different alternatives for the improvements between Knobcone Drive and Macanta Boulevard. One option has left-turn acceleration lanes from non-signalized intersections with minimal median widths. The other concept does not have left-turn acceleration lanes but has wide medians. The second alternative was developed as a result of feedback from the design consultant that the distance available for the left-turn lanes is less than optimal and may not be utilized by the majority of left-turning traffic.

As a part of the project, a second public open house was held in October to inform the community about the project’s conceptual design and overall project timeframes. General support for the project was represented by those who provided feedback. Where concerns and opposition were expressed, residents requested the ability to make safer left turns from side streets and new methods to slow traffic. The main themes provided included support for left-turn acceleration lanes at non-signalized intersections and wider and taller medians at all other locations where practical.

Canyons Far South annexation – Council approved a request from the Canyons Far South annexation applicant, Canyons South LLC, to continue the public hearing before Town Council from Tuesday, Jan. 3, to Tuesday, Feb. 21. The continuance was requested to allow extra time to address comments on the application from the Colorado Department of Transportation.

The applicant is proposing that 409 acres located east of Founders Parkway, north of Crimson Sky Drive and west of Castle Oaks Drive be annexed into the Town. The undeveloped property is currently zoned for single-family units in unincorporated Douglas County. 

Watch the meeting: https://castlerock-co.granicus.com/player/clip/1533

Coming up

The next regular Town Council meeting is Tuesday, Jan. 17. Visit CRgov.com/CouncilComments between Jan. 12 and 17 to provide written feedback, or to sign up to speak via videoconference during the meeting. The meeting will be available live at CRgov.com/CouncilMeeting. In-person attendance will also be available.

Questions? Email all Councilmembers at [email protected], or find your Council representative at CRgov.com/Council; sign up for email updates by clicking “Get Email Updates.” Updates include summaries of top Council items, as well as previews of Council meetings.

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