
Town Of East Granby News - December 28, 2022

Government and Politics

December 29, 2022

From: Town Of East Granby

Town of East Granby, CT

[CANCELED] Board of Selectmen : December 28, 2022 at 06:30PM
Title: [CANCELED] Board of Selectmen
Starts: December 28, 2022 at 06:30PM

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EG EDC Seeking Residents to Join Commission
The Economic Development Commission is seeking applications from residents interested in joining the commission.  The EDC’s primary goals are to develop policies, consistent with the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), that support business growth, development, retention, and expansion. As a Commission the three primary goals are:

- Increase revenue for the Town to help reduce the property tax burden
- Create good paying jobs that are at least equivalent to the town median household income
- Provide needed services to the local businesses and residents of East Granby

Please email: [email protected] if you are interested in joining.

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