
Town Of Essex : Affordable Housing Trust Seeking Your Contributions

Government and Politics

February 10, 2023

From: Town Of Essex

Essex has an Affordable Housing Trust that operates under the authority of Section 2-28 of the Town of Essex bylaws.  Essex has only 2.7% of its housing stock officially recognized as affordable housing, which is well below the 10% of a town’s housing stock required in Massachusetts to be safe from 40B developments that allow a developer to disregard certain zoning requirements.

Residents can contribute to the Essex Affordable Housing Trust or affordable housing efforts by:

-making a donation to the Trust in money or real property

-deed restricting your rental property or other housing to be used specifically for affordable housing

-providing financial support for the construction of affordable homes by private developers (non-profit or for-profit)

-rehabilitating existing homes and apartments to convert to affordable housing

-increasing affordability in existing and future housing developments

-supporting development of surplus municipal property for affordable housing

-supporting to preserve restrictions on properties before restrictions expire

-supporting programs to assist low- and moderate-income homebuyers

-supporting programs to help low- and moderate-income families make health and safety repairs

-supporting education and advocacy to advance affordable housing initiatives

For more information, contact Town Administrator Brendhan Zubricki (978) 768-6531 or [email protected]