
Town Of Hubbardston: Introducing Hubbardston's New Town Administrator Nathan Boudreau

Government and Politics

November 29, 2022

From: Town Of Hubbardston

The Hubbardston Select Board would like  to introduce Hubbardston's new Town Administrator, Nathan Boudreau. Mr. Boudreau was one of several candidates interviewed this fall and was appointed in mid-October. His first official day is today, November 28, 2022.

Boudreau has over a decade of experience and a passion for municipal government, most recently serving as Town Clerk and Special Projects Coordinator in Princeton, MA. He first became interested in government when he got involved in political campaigns, assisting local candidates —eventually serving as a Gardner City Councilor himself since 2014.

"I remember putting signs together when I was six to put out on lawns for candidates," he said. "I caught the public service and government bug very young, and that evolved into a career I am truly passionate about."

Boudreau received a bachelor's degree in Political Science at American International College in Springfield, MA. Followed by a master's degree in public administration from Clark University in Worcester, MA. He also holds a certificate in municipal management from Suffolk University / The Massachusetts Municipal Association and is a Massachusetts Certified Public Procurement Official.

"Over the last decade, I have found a passion in Central Massachusetts small-town municipal government. Princeton and Shirley, where I have served, are similar in population, governance, and values to the Town of Hubbardston." He said. "All three municipalities have populations under 8,000, a small commercial base, and a "Rockwell-Esq" New England vibe that shines brightly through their many passionate community volunteers involved in every aspect of small-town government. I believe the skills that I have developed in other communities will be highly relevant in Hubbardston."

Boudreau noted that his first 100 days would serve as building blocks for the rest of his time as Town Administrator. Plans during this time frame include actively listening and learning from all stakeholders which will lead to operational improvement plans, strategic planning initiatives, budget development goals, and board management priorities. Boudreau also plans to implement an effective communications plan centered around weekly Town Administrator reports, public engagement, and effective use of social media as a marketing tool within his first few months.

"My entry plan will focus on Hubbardston's culture, strengths, challenges, and areas of opportunity and improvement, and will be an opportunity to learn more about Hubbardston and have the community get to know me. I am looking forward to being here in Hubbardston," He said. " I plan to operate in a way that reflects my core beliefs regarding municipal administration of transparency, honesty, respect, collaboration, relationship building, and prioritizing constituent services. Basing my first 100 days on these core objectives will allow us to create plans in the town's best interest."

In the coming months, The Office of the Town Administrator will hold a meet and greet and several public listening sessions for residents to meet the new Town Administrator and the many new faces around town. One of the town's shared objectives is to create a community culture where people interact and are involved in what goes on. You can reach Town Administrator Nathan Boudreau by calling 978-928-1400 x200 or by email at [email protected].”