
Town Of Lexington News : Cast Your Vote Now for Community Improvement Projects in Lexington’s First-Ever Participatory Budget Cycle

Government and Politics

February 24, 2023

From: Town Of Lexington

Lexington’s first-ever Participatory Budgeting (PB for short) cycle has reached the Voting Phase! The community will choose from a number of projects proposed by their neighbors that adds up to the $500,000 made available for this cycle. The $500,000 was made available thanks to the Select Board allocating a portion of the Town's American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Voting is open to residents of all ages. One vote per-person.

The deadline to vote is April 7, 2023.

Vote on your favorite projects!

For those who would like to vote, but don’t have a computer or internet access at home, there is free internet and computer access at Cary Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue.

More information is available on our Participatory Budgeting webpage. If you have any questions about the PB process, please contact Sean Dugan in the Town Manager’s Office at 781-698-4540, or via email

What is Participatory Budgeting?

PB is a process where a certain amount of public money is set aside for the community to directly decide how it’s spent (this is different than the Town’s annual operating and capital budgets). In this case, it is $500,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funds.

PB is a four-step process:

-Submit Ideas - Community submits ideas on how to spend the funds 

-Proposal Development - Town staff vet ideas for cost and feasibility and develop them into proposals that can be voted on. The Select Board then narrows the list of projects down to a smaller number for the public to vote on. 

-Vote on Proposals – The community votes on their favorite proposals 

-Implementation - Winning projects are implemented