Government and Politics
January 24, 2023
From: Town of NewingtonThe Newington Board of Assessment Appeals will be holding their regular meetings during the month of March for the express purpose of listening to the appeals of any taxpayer aggrieved by the actions of the Assessor in the determination of assessments of the 2022 Grand List.
In order to meet with the Board, an application MUST be filed with the Assessor’s office no later than February 17, 2023. Pursuant to Section 12-112 of the Connecticut General Statutes, failure to file this application will legally prohibit the Board from hearing any appeal.
Applications to meet with the Board are available on the Town Assessor’s page of the Town of Newington website:
Once all applications have been received, the Board will mail out appointment notices to all taxpayers advising them of the date and time of their meeting.
Any questions regarding these meetings should be directed to the Town Assessor’s office at 860-665-8530.