Government and Politics
January 9, 2023
From: Town Of Prescott ValleyPrescott Valley Town staff has been meeting for the past year to move forward the Council’s Water Stewardship Strategic Goal. In Thursday’s study session staff rolled out a comprehensive plan outlining the Town’s Water Resources Management Plan for the future. Many of the items have been underway for years, and others are new initiatives.
The strategy to secure PV's water includes:
Plans, Studies, and Strategies
- Rate and Fee Update
- Master Drainage and Recharge Plan
- Comprehensive Conservation Strategy
- General Plan 2035 Implementation
- Stormwater Management Plan
- Land Development Code Rewrite
- Big Chino Monitoring and Modeling (Prescott/SRP)
- Water Audit for Municipal Facilities
- Water Outreach and Education Planning
- Upper Verde River Watershed Protection Coalition
- Regional Climate Change Coalition
- University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
- Northern Arizona Municipal Water Users Association
- Groundwater Users Advisory Commission
- Arizona Department of Water Resources
- Prescott/Salt River Project
- Wild and Scenic Designation for Upper Verde River
- Water Sales Policy
- Sewer Service without Annexation Policy
- Effluent Use Policy
- Water for Commercial/Industrial Use Policy
- Commercial/Residential Design Standards
- Permanent Recharge versus Commercial/Residential Use
- Designation/Dedication of Open Space and Conservation Lands (land use)
- Low Impact Development Principles
- Agua Fria River Recharge Changes
- Addition of Injection Wells
- Treatment for Arsenic and Emerging Contaminants (PFAS, others)
- Water Infrastructure Finance Authority Funding
- Treatment Plant Upgrades
- Importation/Water Security
To view the presentation during yesterday’s Study Session meeting, visit: