Government and Politics
March 10, 2023
From: Town of SouthburySouthbury Civic Day and other Upcoming Events
The following information is offered as a courtesy to alert residents about events and happenings in the Southbury area. These events are not necessarily sponsored, nor endorsed, by the Town of Southbury or its agents.
Fish Fry
3/10/2023 | 4:30-7:00pm
Dinner includes fried or baked fish, choice of French fries or mac & cheese, coleslaw, cake and beverages. Organizer: Knights of Columbus 5066.
Click for the event's details.
Musical Performance at Cosmic Glue March
3/10/2023 | 7:00pm
Live music and Lucky Latte, a specialty drink in honor of St. Patrick’s Day! Organizer: Calvary Southbury.
Click for the event's details.
Southbury Civic Day
3/11/2023 | 1:00-3:00pm
Presentation, tour of Town Hall, special guest artist David K. Merrill. Organizer: 350th Anniversary Steering Committee.
Click for the event's details.
350th Anniversary of Southbury
Town of Southbury is holding celebrations throughout the year commemorating this historical event.
Go to to view the events.
Candy Counting Contest
Until 4/1/2023
Stop by the Parks & Recreation office during business hours to guess the number of candies in the jar.
Click for the event's details.
3/18/2023 - Book Donation Day to Friends of the Southbury Public Library
3/24/2023 - Fish Fry
3/25/2023 - Annual Spring Egg Hunt
View more future events: Upcoming Events Listing
Submit your organization's event to the Town of Southbury listing: Submit Event
Library's Calendar contains information about upcoming programs for adults, teens and children.
P&R's Activities and Classes.