Government and Politics
March 6, 2023
From: Town of SpringdaleWashington County collects sales and use tax to fund recreational, arts, parks, and cultural projects and activities. Known as the RAP Tax, a portion of these funds are funneled back to Springdale for use within the local community to benefit residents and visitors. Through an application process, and during a public meeting, the Town Council will determine and prioritize how these funds are distributed. The Town Council may decide to set aside monies for multiple years to satisfy a long-term recreation, arts, or parks project. Funds can be used for new projects, for the improvement of existing ones, or for the operational needs of cultural organizations.
Types of activities:
Projects related to recreation, art, music, theater, dance, cultural arts or natural history are examples of the types of activities that could be funded. This is not an exhaustive list and each application will be considered based on its merit and alignment with Town Council priorities.
Types of organizations and groups:
Either non-profit organizations, local agencies, or individuals having the primary purpose to advance and preserve the types of activities listed above.
Priority list of projects:
Based on applications, the Town Council will develop a project priority list.
Criteria to be considered:
What is the artistic, cultural or recreational merit of the project?
Who are the potential beneficiaries of the project?
How will the project benefit residents and visitors?
Are there other possible funding sources for the project?
RAP Tax applications:
Deadline for application submission: Monday, April 3, 2023.
Applications will be accepted on a yearly basis. Past funding of an organization will not be considered a precedent for future funding. Each year requests will be reviewed based on their merit. If you have questions, please email Town Manager Rick Wixom.