
Town of Upton - Fiscal Year 2023 Assessment Information

Government and Politics

January 28, 2023

From: Town of Upton

The Town of Upton has experienced tremendous growth over the past year with new construction of single-family homes in new subdivisions and new condominium units since 2021.  This growth has increased the total value of Real Estate in town, with an increase in the Total Assessed Values and a decrease in the Tax Rate.  This increase

can be more than 2.5% as Proposition 2 ½ relates to the overall Tax Levy of Upton, and the increase can be greater than 2 ½ % for each parcel.

It is our right as a taxpayer to file an Abatement for our Real Estate Assessed Value – meaning you disagree with the value of your property and have sufficient evidence to support your claim. For example, your neighbor’s house sold in Calendar Year 2021 for less than your Fiscal Year 2023 assessed value, and the neighbor’s house is larger than your house and has an inground pool, cabana, and shed.  This would be a good example of your over-assessment.

The Abatement Applications are on the Assessor’s Web page in the Forms tab, available at the Assessor’s office or at www.mass.gov – State Tax form 128.

Abatement Applications are due February 1st by 5 PM.  The Assessor’s Office will be open until 5 PM to accept applications.  The applications may be dropped off in person or emailed to the Board of Assessors at [email protected].

Please get in touch with us at the Assessor’s Office for additional information at 508-529-1002.

It is important to note that Assessors do not raise or lower taxes, nor do the Assessors set the tax rate.  These determinations are made through statical analysis by the Department of Revenue.  Additional information regarding the process is available on the Assessor’s web page.