Government and Politics
February 23, 2023
From: Town of Upton
Welcome to the Town Manager News and Updates Web Page.
Upton is very busy. At any given time, there are a large number of town projects, events, planning efforts that various departments and boards are undertaking. This page will provide residents and businesses an update on Town projects, important dates, and upcoming events in an effort to improve transparency of activities that are being undertaken by the Town. Each month, I provide the Board of Selectmen an update as part of my Town Manager's Report. Below are highlights from these reports and the full version of my Town Manager Reports are available as attachments to this page. Should you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Sincerely Joe Laydon, Upton Town Manger
February 2023
The following are highlights of the February 7th and 21st Town Manger Reports. Full versions of the reports are attached at the bottom of this page.
Town Department Updates
-Treasurer Collector Office - Water/Sewer bills will be mailed the week of February 13th. Payments will be collected by Lockbox, a banking service the Town uses for property and excise taxes. This will simplify and streamline receipt of payments. A summary of the change will be included the bill. Staff will start the VADAR cloud conversion. Excise tax bills are going out Feb 24thand will be due 30 days later in March.
-Town Clerk's Office - Nomination Papers are available for 18 seats on elected town boards. Papers are due to the Registrars of Voters (Town Clerk's office) on or before 5:00 PM Tuesday, March 21st.
-Recreation Department - Kids at Play Registration is now open, added a summer theater program and field trips. Staff will work with WooSox to coordinate a 2024 Upton Take Over Day.
-Board of Health - A COVID Clinic is scheduled for Saturday March 4th at Miscoe Hill Middle School. A $75 gift card will be offered to Massachusetts residents who receive a vaccine on a first come basis.
Town Projects
-Town Hall Sewer Back Up - Due to increased frequency of backups within Town Hall, non-supervised use of Town Hall has been restricted. The sewer lines on the ground floor of Town Hall have been inspected by a camera system to confirm the as-built plans. The Town’s engineering consultant has reviewed sewer line footage and discussed a solution with the Town’s plumbing company. The current proposal, which is being evaluated by the engineers
-Website Re-design: The Town and Civic Plus (current website vendor) are working on redesigning the town website. We are reviewing other municipal sites to provide a design direction. Contract expects website work to be completed in June 2023.
-Grove Street Bridge: The surveyor has completed the field work and they are hoping to finish the base map. Soil borings were completed, and the geotechnical report is being prepared. The Engineering Contractor received the FEMA data for the hydraulic analysis but need the finished survey to complete the hydraulic analysis. The above work will allow for the preparation of the 25% Design Plans to be reviewed by the Board towards the end of March.
-TIP Project – Main/ Hartford: Code Enforcement recently send MassDOT and Project Contractor a notice of violation with ADA requirements. MassDOT has been in communication with DPW Staff on timing of resolving outstanding punch list items and a number of ADA compliance issues. Anticipated timeline for re-mobilization is April 2023.
-Housing Production Plan: The Public Forum has been scheduled for March 16 in the Town hall Auditorium. Staff is working with CMRPC on outreach and logistics today. HPP Steering Committee will meet March 9 to address details ahead of that forum. Public notice will be sent out this week via e-blast, Facebook, and email to all survey respondents. A representative from the HPP Steering Committee is reaching out to the church about overflow parking.
-Façade Program: We are now accepting applications. E-blast went out last week. Social media posting will go out this week. The Town Planner is coordinating with CMRPC to discuss about next steps. We will be sending letters/flyers to businesses within the target area within the next week or so and will follow up with door-to-door visits to businesses to spread awareness. The Town Planner has already spoken with one business owner who received the notice and is interested in pursuing the program
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