Arts and Entertainment
July 29, 2023
From: Union County FairSchedule:
August 9, 2023 (Wednesday)
6:00 a.m: Fair barn Open
8:00 a.m: All livestock and horse in place
9:00 a.m - 10:00 a.m: All Inside Exhibits (Tin Barn) will be checked in
8:15 a.m: Weigh and classify.
Steers will start followed by pigs, sheep, goat.
Weigh and Scan Production Steers immediately following weigh in of all livestock
10:00 a.m: All Rabbit, Poultry, Water Fowl in place.
10:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m: Tin Barn Closed for Judging and setting up displays.
4:00 p.m: Project Horse Show Judging
5:00 p.m: Doors open to exhibition -tin barn.
11:00 p.m: Fair barn Closes - everyone must exit barn
August 10, 2023 (Thursday)
6:00 a.m: Fair barn Open
9:00 a.m: Judging Breeding and Market Sheep
10:30 a.m: Judging Meat Goats - 1 hour after sheep show
6:00 p.m: Judging Market Swine
Old timers show immediately following swine show
11:00 p.m: Fair barn Closes - everyone must exit barn
August 11, 2023 (Friday)
6:00 a.m: Fair barn Open
8:00 a.m: Rabbit Judging
Poultry Judging (immediately following rabbit show)
10:30 a.m: NSWCD Ranch Management Contest
3:00 p.m: Judge Production Steer
4:30 p.m: Bucket Calf Contest
5:30 p.m: Judging Jr Breeding Cattle and Dairy
6:00 p.m: Judging Market Steers/Market Heifers
11:00 p.m: Fair barn closes - everyone must exit barn
August 12, 2023 (Saturday)
6:00 a.m: Fair barn Open
9:00 a.m: Queen Contest
1:00 p.m: Junior Pet Show (livestock show ring)
7:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m: Non-Sale animal’s release
3:00 p.m: Production Steer Result Meeting at Livestock Show Ring
3:00 p.m - 3:30 p.m: Check out Exhibits
3:30 p.m: Exhibit Barn Closes to exhibit check out
4:00 p.m: Buyers Meal
5:45 p.m: Small Awards Program
6:00 p.m: Junior Livestock Sale
11:00 p.m: Fair barn closes - everyone must exit barn
Date: August 9 - 12, 2023
Union County Fairground
96 Fair Ground Street
Clayton, NM 88415
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