
Volunteers Needed For Crossroads : Sheffield Exhibit

Schools and Libraries

March 2, 2023

From: Bushnell-Sage Library

The Smithsonian traveling exhibit Crossroads: Change in Rural America arrives in Sheffield on Sunday, March 26 and will be on view in the Bushnell-Sage Library program room through Saturday, May 6.

We are looking for volunteer docents during library hours to greet and welcome visitors, as well as answer questions about the exhibit. There are no physical requirements and seating is provided.

Stop by the library circulation desk today to sign up!

A brief docent training will be offered on two different dates: Wednesday, March 15 at 11 a.m. and Saturday, March 18 at 2 p.m.

Call 413-229-7004 with any questions.

Find our full calendar of events at bushnellsagelibrary.org/crossroads

Crossroads: Change in Rural America has been made possible in Sheffield, MA by Mass Humanities. Crossroads: Change in Rural America is part of Museum on Main Street, a collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution and State humanities Councils nationwide. Support for Museum on Main Street has been provided by the United States Congress.

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