
Weston Town Hall Happenings for December 1, 2023

Government and Politics

December 1, 2023

From: Town of Weston

First Selectwoman’s Opening Note

Oh my goodness! Can you believe the amazing event we had last night? It was the second annual Holiday Music Festival and Tree Lighting, and let me tell you, it was absolutely fantastic! We had over 900 guests join us, and it was truly a magical evening. The performers were absolutely outstanding, and we are lucky to have such incredible talent right here in our town. I can't thank them enough for their amazing performances.

None of this would have been possible without the incredible support of our sponsors, volunteers, and the hardworking municipal team. They truly brought this special program to life, and we are so grateful for their dedication and hard work. A big, heartfelt thank you goes out to the amazing team on the Commission for the Arts, especially Ewa, Mark, and Paul. And let's not forget our lead sponsor, the Crown Family. Their support means the world to us.

We also want to give a special shout out to Jodi Stevens, Liz Morris, Stew Leonard's, Summer Rain Lighting, Wayne Wyatt, and all the wonderful volunteers who helped make this event a success. Margaret and her team, Sally, John, Kristen, the Girl Scouts, Brownies, and all the other incredible elves - you all deserve a big round of applause for your contributions. And a very special thank you goes to Darcy, Larry, and Benny, who went above and beyond to make this program possible. We couldn't have done it without you!

Once again, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much to everyone who made the second annual Holiday Music Festival and Tree Lighting such a memorable and incredible event. We are so lucky to have such a supportive and amazing community.

Tree Lighting at Emmanuel Church
December 2 from 3:00 - 5:30 pm
Emmanuel Church is holding their 8th annual Christmas Concert and Tree Lighting.
3pm Concert with Elyrica Trio, tickets $20 (kids are free) 4-5:30pm tree lighting party with food crafts and more.

Kiwanis Club of Weston Breakfast and Speaker 12/2
Join the Weston Kiwanis Club for breakfast and a speaker at Norfield Church Hall, Norfield Rd. Doors open at 8 AM for meet and greet, meeting starts at 8:30 AM. Guest Speaker Andrew J. Gerber, MD, PhD is President and Medical Director of Silver Hill Hospital, a private non-profit psychiatric hospital in New Canaan, Connecticut. Dr. Gerber serves as an associate clinical professor in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center and the Child Study Center, at Yale University. He completed his medical and psychiatric training at Harvard, Cornell, and Columbia medical schools and his PhD in psychology at University College London. Dr. Gerber is past Director of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Program at the New York State Psychiatric Institute and past Medical Director and CEO of the Austen Riggs Center.  Weston Urgent Assessment Program (WUA) is a collaboration between the Town of Weston and Silver Hill Hospital. Its goal is to connect those in urgent need of mental health treatment with a timely, psychiatric assessment and tailored referral for ongoing care. The program serves children, adolescents, and adults and is available to Weston residents for no out-of-pocket cost.

A Message from the Town Assessor Denise Hames
The Town Assessor, in consultation with eQuality Valuation Services, LLC, has completed a state mandated revaluation of all real property for the October 1, 2023 Grand List. The notices are in the mail. The notice will include your existing assessment based on the last revaluation done on October 1, 2018 and your new proposed revalued assessment based on the October 1, 2023 market value.  Assessments are based on 70% of the market value. The notice will not reflect exemptions and credits for which you may qualify, such as elderly, veterans, blind, local exemptions and abatements; these will be applied by the Assessor’s Office and reflected in your July 2024 tax bill. This assessment may be multiplied by the new mill rate which will be approved in the spring of 2024 to calculate your July 2024 tax bill. Do not use the current mill rate as it will result in an inaccurate calculation.  The Assessor’s Office will not be able to schedule appointments for the new assessments.  Please follow the instructions on your new assessment notice.

A Message from Animal Control Officer Mark Harper
There has recently been black bear activity in our community.  Please keep your pets and other animals safe, including having a proper enclosure for farm animals.  Please contact Mark Harper, ACO, for more information at [email protected]

Lachat Town Farm

Lachat Winter Market
Saturday, December 2, 10am-2pm
Shop Local! Join us at the Lachat Winter Market where you can shop for gifts from vendors offering art, clothing, jewelry, housewares, baked goods and other locally produced foods.  The Market offers a wide variety of products- there's something for everyone!  Warm your hands with hot beverages from the Lachat Bar (drinks for kids and adults-with proceeds going directly to the farm). Catch up with friends and neighbors while whittling down your shopping list at this fun event!

Coat Drive @ the Lachat Winter Market
In the spirit of giving and sharing this Holiday Season, please donate your gentle used or like new winter coats for children and adults to benefit Open Doors a community resource center and homeless shelter in Norwalk whose motto is Shelter | Support | Success. Collection bins will be set up at the Lachat Winter Market on Dec 2nd. Please share your warmth with someone in need!

Weston Women's League hosts Annual Gingerbread Event
Saturday, December 9 with 2 Seating options  at 2pm and 4pm
Kids will delight in decorating their own gingerbread houses, meeting Santa Claus, and enjoying festive music of the holiday season at the Weston Women’s League annual Family Gingerbread event. When purchasing tickets (link below), consider contributing to the Family & Children’s Agency, a beacon of support for individuals and families across Fairfield County seeking to achieve life’s possibilities.  RSVP/Ticket Link: https://wwlfamilygingerbreadevent2023.splashthat.com/

Meet Santa & Mrs. Claus at Weston History and Culture Center
December 2 & 3 (Saturday and Sunday) Noon to 4pm
Weston History & Culture Center
104 Weston Road
A photo op with Santa and Mrs. Claus next to the 1940s Christmas tree at the historic Coley House. (Bring your wish list for Santa!) Free for WHCC members, $10.00 per general public family. Register in advance, link below, for a 10-minute time slot. Payment is also accepted at the door.  Register Here.

Menorah Lighting
The Weston Community Menorah Lighting is December 10, 2023 at the Weston Center Shopping Center at 5:30pm. This annual event is sponsored by the Schneerson Center. Live Music, gelt and dreidels for all!

Weston – Siversk, Ukraine Sister City Update
Launched this past June, the Town of Weston adopted our sister city Siversk through a relationship with Ukraine Aid International, Inc, which has laid the groundwork to provide support for those severely impacted by the ongoing war in Ukraine. Hearts for Ukraine Available at Weston Pharmacy and Community Events Not sure about how you can help? The Sister City partnership Steering committee has launched “Hearts for Ukraine.” These beautiful handmade bracelets may be purchased completed or as kits, with instructions, for those wishing to make them at home.  To learn more about the new hearts for Ukraine campaign and how you can help Ukraine please email the Chair of the Steering Committee Iryna Akolzina at [email protected].

Recycling Guide
Recycling facilities are always free and available for all Town residents. We encourage you to reduce, reuse and recycle! Click here to see a printable recycling guide: Recycling Guide

HRRA Sustainable Tips for the Holidays
As we move into the holiday season, we want to remind you of a few tips to have a more sustainable holiday!
-Holiday Lights and Electronics:  Remember that broken holiday lights and unwanted electronics can go to our Electronic Waste Collection at the Town of Weston Transfer Station for recycling.  REMEMBER: LITHIUM BATTERIES are DANGEROUS.  They cause significant fires on waste collection trucks and at recycling facilities. NEVER place these items in your trash or recycling. Bring these items to the E-Waste Collection at the Transfer Station.
-- Choose to Reuse:  If you are hosting a gathering with friends and family, opt to use reusable dishes, cups, and utensils.  Reusable items make for a nicer presentation, and they don’t add to your overall trash. Single-use paper plates, cups and plastic utensils are NOT acceptable in the recycling stream, they must go in the trash.
--  Recycle Right:  Gift giving is wonderful, but many of our traditional gift wrapping and gift bags are NOT acceptable in our recycling. Wrapping paper, tissue paper, decorative wraps/ribbons and gift bags belong in the trash. Consider using newspaper or brown packing paper as an alternative.  Contact us: [email protected]  -   www.hrra.org    203-775-4539

Renovation of Davis Hill Bridge
Construction is taking place on Davis Hill Bridge. The bridge will remain open to traffic, with occasional short closures during this renovation & resurfacing project. The construction of this infrastructure project is funded with grants from the State and Federal government.

Police Department Locker Room Renovations
The renovations in the basement of Town Hall continues.  This renovation provides improved locker room space, new heating and air conditioning and updates this existing space. A reconfiguration of the footprint will allow for a more efficient use of the space and is a much anticipated improvement for our Police Department staff. The locker rooms will include dedicated space for women officers and enable us to be more competitive in the recruitment of female police officers.

Access Health Open Enrollment Began November 1
Access Health CT announced the schedule for its enrollment fairs this month to help Connecticut residents shop, compare and enroll or renew their health coverage during the open enrollment period including one in Stamford. These fairs are one-day events providing free, in-person help to residents from enrollment specialists. Open enrollment began on November 1 and Access Health CT has deadlines of December 15 to register for coverage beginning New Year’s Day 2024 and January 15 for coverage beginning February 1, 2024. Residents can book appointments ahead of time at www.AccessHealthCT.com/enrollment-events but walk-ins will also be welcome. A local enrollment fair will take place at the UConn Stamford campus at 1 University Place on Wednesday, November 8 from 5 to 8 p.m.

Human Services

Weston Human & Social Services is currently taking applications for the 2023-2024 CT Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)
If you think you may qualify or are having difficulty paying your heating bills please call 203-222-2556 or 203-222-2585 to schedule an appointment.

Would you like to be added to the Reassurance Program?
The Reassurance Program is a list of Weston residents who would like to be called by an employee of the Weston Social Services Dept in times of Town emergencies or inclement weather.  We encourage those who live alone, don't drive, or have medical needs to register as this list is also shared with Emergency Responders in times of Town emergencies.  Please email Rashida Miller, MSW at [email protected] for more information.

Weston Urgent Assessment Program at Silver Hill
The Town of Weston has partnered with Silver Hill Hospital to provide Weston residents in urgent need of mental health treatment with a timely psychiatric assessment and tailored referral for ongoing care.  The Weston Urgent Assessment Program serves children, adolescents, and adults who are Weston residents at no out-of-pocket cost.  The Assessment Program is available by advance appointment only and every effort will be made to offer an assessment appointment within 48 hours of an intake call.  To schedule an intake, please complete the form found at https://silverhillhospital.org/new-canaan-urgent-assessment-program/ or call Silver Hill Hospital admissions at 866-542-4455 and indicate that you are inquiring about the Weston Urgent Assessment Program.  For additional information, call the Town of Weston's Human Services Department at 203-222-2663. Click here for a podcast describing the program: https://vimeo.com/837210170

Youth and Family Services
Please register for the Social Services monthly newsletter!  Our goal is to provide our families and youth with resources that help promote physical and mental well-being through programming, events, referrals, and advocacy.  Be sure to sign up at the bottom of the page to receive our newsletter each month! Click here for our latest newsletter

Board of Selectmen Meetings
Please feel free to attend BOS hybrid meetings where you can watch in person at the Town Hall Meeting Room or you can still Zoom into the meetings, which are always posted on the Town website. Documents, recordings, and minutes are available at: https://www.westonct.gov/government/boards-commissions/elected/board-of-selectmen

Volunteers Needed for Town Boards
The following appointed boards have positions available:  Commission for the Arts, Board of Assessment Appeals Alternate, Beautification Committee, Building Board of Appeals, Conservation Commission, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee, Board of Ethics, Historic District Commission Alternate, Marketing and Communications Committee, Parks and Recreation Commission, Sustainable Weston Committee, Veterans Affairs Committee.  The following elected board has a position available:   Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate.  Please click here for more information and/or to submit your information for consideration for a position.

Weston Senior Center

Click here for the most recent Senior Activities Center Newsletter and Programs

Weston Public Library

Play With Your Food: Seasons Readings
Sunday, December 10 at 3:00pm
Ring in the holiday season with the Friends of the Weston Library when JIB Productions (Play With Your Food) brings its holiday program SEASONS READINGS to town on Sunday, December 10 at 3 pm. A delightful hour of heartfelt and hilarious holiday-themed short stories and plays, SEASONS READINGS offers a literary take on the joys, tribulations (and everything in between) to share with family and friends followed by an opportunity to mingle with guests and actors and enjoy seasonal refreshments.  Registration is required and admission costs $20 per ticket. Click here to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seasons-readings-a-jib-production-of-play-with-your-food-tickets-757318860097?aff=oddtdtcreator.

Upcoming Youth Events at the Weston Public Library
Join us for an exciting story time, book signing, and craft session with local author Laura Prior on December 5th! On the 6th, join us for a Stuffed Animal Sleepover. Then, on Saturday, December 9th, join us for a special free Introduction to Martial Arts! Kids will get the opportunity to learn from professionals the physical and mental benefits of the craft, try out a few skills, and even leave with a white belt after the class. Check out these events and more on our program calendar.