
Weston Town Hall Happenings for January 19, 2024

Government and Politics

January 19, 2024

From: Town of Weston

Greetings and Welcome to Jan 19th’s Town Hall Happenings

First Selectwoman’s Opening Note
I would like to express my utmost gratitude to the Parks & Rec Commission and Parks & Recreation Department for their commendable efforts in developing a new comprehensive plan for Pickleball Courts at Bisceglie Park. This designated area, spanning approximately 0.20 acres, is situated conveniently near the walking path leading to the pond and adjacent to the parking lot, enclosed by a charming split rail fence. During last night's meeting, the team presented their well-thought-out proposal to the Board of Selectmen, who have subsequently referred the project to the Planning & Zoning Commission for positive 8-24 report.

I am genuinely thrilled to propel this highly anticipated project forward, with the expectation that we will have a minimum of three fully operational courts by the upcoming summer season. While there is still more work to be done, it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the dedication and perseverance displayed by Parks and Recreation Director Dave Ungar and Commission Chair Elizabeth Poscik, particularly throughout the years of tireless effort they have invested in this endeavor. I would also like to highlight that this project is being funded through the ARPA grant, as well as the Parks & Recreation Enterprise Fund at no cost to Weston taxpayers.

A Message from the School Superintendent
The Weston Public School proposed operating and capital budgets, along with supplemental documentation can be found on the district website under Board of Education/Budget.  Below is a list of WPS budget meetings that have already taken place with links to the meetings. The meetings can also be found on the WPS website under Board of Education/Previously Recorded Meetings.

01/04/2024 -Budget Presentation

01/05/2024 -BOE Budget Workshop

01/10/2024 -BOE Public Forum #1 with Administration on FY 2024 Budget Request

01/11/2024 -BOE Budget Workshop

01/18/2024 -BOE Public Forum #2 with Administration on FY 2024 Budget Request

Below is a list of the remaining WPS budget meetings. Links to meeting details can be found on the WPS district calendar.  In addition, Board of Education meeting details can also be found on the Town of Weston Community Events Calendar.

01/22/2024 - BOE Budget Workshop

01/23/2024 - BOE Special Meeting: Approval and Adoption of Recommended Operating & Capital Budgets

01/25/2024 - BOE Special Meeting: Approval and Adoption of Recommended Operating & Capital Budgets (if necessary)

It’s Budget Season!
The public is highly encouraged to participate in this year’s budget process.  Below is the tentative meeting schedule. The Town budget will be posted for review before February 10th.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 6:00 pm – Board of Selectmen reviews Board of Education’s budget request.

Thursday, February 15, 2024, 6:00 pm – Board of Selectmen reviews First Selectwoman’s budget request.

Monday, February 26, 2024, 6:00 pm – Board of Selectmen votes on and transmits First Selectman’s and Board of Education budgets to Board of Finance. Board also nominates moderator for ATBM.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 6 pm – Board of Finance reviews Board of Education’s budget request.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 6 pm – Board of Finance reviews Board of Selectmen’s budget request

Thursday, March 14, 2024, 6 pm – Board of Finance reviews Board of Education’s budget request and Board of Selectmen’s Budget (if necessary).

Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 6 pm – Board of Finance holds public hearing on budget request

Thursday, April 4, 2024, 6 pm – Board of Finance budget deliberation meeting.

Monday, April 8, 2024, 6 pm – Board of Finance budget deliberation meeting (if necessary).

Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 8 pm – Annual Town Budget meeting at the  High School Auditorium.

Saturday, May 4, 2024, 12pm to 8 pm –Annual Town Budget Referendum at the Town Hall.

Monday, May 6, 2024, 6 pm – Board of Finance meets to set mill rate.

Board of Selectmen Hire a New Town Administrator
I am absolutely thrilled to announce that the Board of Selectmen authorized me to sign an employment agreement between the Town of Weston and Karl Kilduff, who will be our new Town Administrator. Karl is currently the Town Manager of the Town of Clinton, CT where he served as the first Town Manager for three years. Before that he served as Executive Director of the CT Housing Finance Authority, Town Administrator in Darien, CT, Town Manager of North Branford, CT and City Manager of the City of Johnstown, PA. He has over 23 years of experience in Town Management and four years working at the State level in Connecticut. (click here for Press Release for more information) Karl brings a wealth of experience and dedication to this crucial role, and I am confident that his leadership will contribute significantly to the continued growth and sustainability of our community. I believe that with Karl in place, we are poised for a bright and successful future. Please join me in welcoming Karl Kilduff to our team, and let us look forward to achieving great things together.  Karl will start on February 21, 2024, after providing his 60 days’ notice to the Town of Clinton.  We will be having an informal meet and greet with Karl on Thursday, February 1st at 6pm at the Town Hall Meeting Room, all are welcome to attend.

New Animal Control Officer
It is my sincere pleasure to welcome Melissa A. Seeley as the new Animal Control Officer for the Town of Weston. In terms of education, Ms. Seeley attended the Stratford Career Institute in Saint Albans Vermont where she majored as a Veterinary Assistant and later attended the Connecticut Animal Control Officers Academy where she became certified as a CT Animal Control Officer. In addition, Melissa has taken more than 20 courses in a wide range of subjects ranging from animal welfare, to prosecution and law enforcement tools in animal cruelty cases, case preparation and courtroom presentation, and how shelters can make policies more humane for wildlife. Professionally, Melissa has served as an ACO for seven (7) years between the Town of Bethlehem, CT and the Town of Woodbury, CT. She is passionate about her profession wants to make a difference through community engagement and educating the public in the various aspects of animal control and humane treatment of animals and wildlife. In Melissa’s own words, “I can’t wait to work in the gorgeous town of Weston. The feel of the town is so welcoming, and I look forward to serving the town to the absolute best of my abilities.”

Human Services/Senior Center Department Reorganization
We are happy to announce that the Weston Senior Center is now under the auspices of the Weston Human Services Department.  This transition aims to streamline administrative tasks and provide additional support to the senior residents of the Town, with no alterations to senior center programming or staffing.  Under the umbrella of Human Services, the Senior Center now has access to added resources, promoting a unified and collaborative environment for both seniors and all residents. We welcome you to reach out to the Human Services Director, Allison Lisbon, MSW, LCSW, with any questions, comments, or concerns.  Her email is [email protected] and her phone number is 203-222-2663.

Weston Food Scrap Recycling Program – New!
Program Kick-off at the Transfer Station - March 2
Weston Department of Public Works, Sustainable Weston and Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority (HRRA) are delighted to announce the launch of Weston’s Food Scraps Recycling Program, following in many of our neighboring town’s footsteps. Food Scraps diversion from the waste stream is a very important step in managing Connecticut’s waste crisis.  We have identified a hauler to collect residential food scraps from the transfer station.  We have allocated a designated spot for the collection bins next to the redeemables and glass containers at the Transfer Station. Residents will be able to tip their food scraps and organic material in these bins during regular transfer station hours (Tuesday to Saturday 8:00AM to 2:30PM).The bins will be emptied weekly (bi-weekly in the Summer) and hauled to New Milford Farms. New Milford Farms operates a commercial composting facility that is an indoor turned windrow with forced aeration. The food scraps are turned into high-quality compost certified by US Composting Council's Seal of Testing Assurance Program (USCC STA).  Click here for more information

February 28 – Community Meeting: On Wednesday, February 28 at Lachat Town Farm at 7:00PM, HRRA, Public Works and Sustainable Weston are hosting a community meeting to explain the program, review the guidelines and answer any questions. Click here to register for the community meeting on Lachat’s website

March 2 - Program Kick-Off at the Transfer Station:Saturday, March 2 will be the opening day, kicking off the first Food Scraps drop-offs at the transfer station! Snow date: Saturday March 16th.

Sign-up:We are aiming to get at least 250 households to sign up between now and the end of February, in advance of the program’s opening day. Please consider signing up as a new year resolution!  The first 250 who sign up for the program will be entered into a raffle, with prizes awarded at the Lachat Earth Day event in April.  Click here to sign up

Starter Kits: The first 100 households who sign up for the program will get a free starter kit and can pick it up at the community meeting. After the first 100, if you opt to purchase a kit, you can do so at the event on February 28th or, alternatively, at the Transfer station starting on February 29th. The cost is $20 payable by credit card.  The starter kit consists of a 1.5-gallon counter collection bin, BPI certified BioBag liners (1 roll with 25 liners) and a 6-gallon carry container with lock lid. Purchasing a kit is optional and not mandatory to participate in the program. You can also use your own containers and bucket

Household Hazardous Waste Dates
Residents have six opportunities to participate in Household Hazardous Waste events in our HRRA region. The first will be on April 6 at Danbury Public Works.  Please visit www.HRRA.org for more details.

Cooking Safety from the Weston Fire Marshal
Cooking is the leading cause of reported home fires and home fire injuries and the second leading cause of home fire deaths.

What you should know about home cooking safety

-- If you are sleepy or have consumed alcohol, don’t use the stove.

-- Stay in the kitchen while you are frying, grilling, boiling, or broiling food.

-- If you are simmering, baking, or roasting food, check it regularly and use a timer to remind you that you are cooking.

-- Keep anything that can catch fire - oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging, grocery bags, towels or curtains - away from your stovetop.

-- Don’t cook with loose sleeves, ties, or scarves. Secure long hair. 

Safety considerations for cooking with oil

-- Keep an eye on what you fry. If you see wisps of smoke or the oil smells, immediately turn off the burner and/or carefully remove the pan from the burner. Smoke is a danger sign that the oil is too hot.

-- Add food gently to the pot or pan so the oil does not splatter.

-- Always cook with a lid or cookie sheet beside your pan. If you have a fire, slide the lid over the pan and turn off the burner. Do not remove the cover because the fire could start again. Let the pan cool for a long time. Never throw water on the fire.

-- If the fire does not go out or you don’t feel comfortable sliding a lid over the pan, get everyone out of your home. Call the fire department from outside.

If you have a cooking fire

-- Just get out! When you leave, close the door behind you to help contain the fire.

-- Call 9-1-1 after you leave.

-- If you try to fight the fire, be sure others are getting out and you have a clear way out.

-- For an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the door closed.

Weston Parks and Recreation
Registration for winter programs started January 8, visit the website for more information: https://www.westonct.gov/government/municipal-departments/parks-recreation

Weston – Siversk, Ukraine Sister City Update
Launched this past June, the Town of Weston adopted our sister city Siversk through a relationship with Ukraine Aid International, Inc, which has laid the groundwork to provide support for those severely impacted by the ongoing war in Ukraine. Hearts for Ukraine Available at Weston Pharmacy and Community Events Not sure about how you can help? The Sister City partnership Steering committee has launched “Hearts for Ukraine.” These beautiful handmade bracelets may be purchased completed or as kits, with instructions, for those wishing to make them at home.  To learn more about the new hearts for Ukraine campaign and how you can help Ukraine please email the Chair of the Steering Committee Iryna Akolzina at [email protected].

Police Department Locker Room Renovations
The renovations of the locker room in the basement of Town Hall is complete.  We hope you will join us for a ribbon cutting on January 23rd at 11:00 am with the Lt. Gov Susan Bysiewicz and other dignitaries for the occasion. This renovation provides improved locker room space, new heating and air conditioning and updates this existing space.  A reconfiguration of the footprint will allow for a more efficient use of the space and is a much anticipated improvement for our Police Department staff. The locker rooms will include dedicated space for women officers and enable us to be more competitive in the recruitment of female police officers.

Human Services

 Weston Human & Social Services is currently taking applications for the 2023-2024 CT Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)
If you think you may qualify or are having difficulty paying your heating bills please call 203-222-2556 or 203-222-2585 to schedule an appointment.

Would you like to be added to the Reassurance Program?
The Reassurance Program is a list of Weston residents who would like to be called by an employee of the Weston Social Services Dept in times of Town emergencies or inclement weather.  We encourage those who live alone, don't drive, or have medical needs to register as this list is also shared with Emergency Responders in times of Town emergencies.  Please email Rashida Miller, MSW at [email protected] for more information.

Youth and Family Services
Please register for the Social Services monthly newsletter!  Our goal is to provide our families and youth with resources that help promote physical and mental well-being through programming, events, referrals, and advocacy.  Be sure to sign up at the bottom of the page to receive our newsletter each month!  Click here for our latest newsletter

Board of Selectmen Meetings
Please feel free to attend BOS meetings where you can watch in person at the Town Hall Meeting Room or you can still stream into the meetings, which are always posted on the Town website. Documents, recordings, and minutes are available at: https://www.westonct.gov/government/boards-commissions/elected/board-of-selectmen

Volunteers Needed for Town Boards
The following appointed boards have positions available:  Commission for the Arts, Board of Assessment Appeals Alternate, Beautification Committee, Building Board of Appeals, Conservation Commission, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee, Board of Ethics, Historic District Commission Alternate, Marketing and Communications Committee, Parks and Recreation Commission, Sustainable Weston Committee, Veterans Affairs Committee.  The following elected board has a position available:  Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate.  Please click here for more information and/or to submit your information for consideration for a position.

Weston Senior Center
Click this link to view the Senior Center Newsletter:  https://westonseniorcenter.info/newsletters.php

Caregivers Support Group With Allison Lisbon, LCSW, MSW, Director of Human Services
Monthly meetings are held every third Tuesday, 1-2pm at the Weston Senior Center. For questions or to be added to the Caregiver Support Group email list, contact Allison Lisbon at [email protected]   Call or email the Senior Center to register: 203-222-2608/[email protected]

Weston Public Library
2024 All CT Reads – Kids
Finally Seen by Kelly Yang

2024 All CT Reads – Teen
Promise Boys by Nick Brooks

2024 All CT Reads – Adult
Don’t Cry For Me by Daniel Black

Register here: https://cslib.libcal.com/event/11497161

Classical Voice Recital
Sunday, January 21 at 2pm
The Friends of the Weston Public Library invite you to attend a Classical Voice Recital featuring Emma Rogers, soprano and Weston resident. Attendees will experience a suite of operatic and musical theatre works featuring your favorite composers such as Pucini, Mozardt, Rodgers & Hammerstein, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and more! Special guest performers include Joseph Stevens on piano with Oliva Gesualdi (soprano) and Jessica Rae Foulds (mezzo-soprano) providing additional vocals.  This recital is FREE and open to the public. Registration is requested, though walk-ins are welcome! Register here: https://www.eventkeeper.com/code/ekform.cfm?curOrg=WESTON&curID=678237

Click this link to see what’s happening at the Library: https://www.westonpubliclibrary.org/

Click Here for more information.