
Weston Town Hall Happenings for October 27, 2023

Government and Politics

October 27, 2023

From: Town of Weston

Greetings and Welcome to Oct 27th’s Town Hall Happenings!

First Selectwoman’s Opening Note
Today’s opening note is about this year’s Veteran’s Day programming. As many of you know, I am a strong believer that we should support our Veteran’s and their families. The Weston Veterans Committee invites you to join us in celebrating this great day on 11/10. All Weston Veterans and Spouses are invited to the Middle School morning events and lunch at Weston High School*. ALL Weston Residents are invited to the Veterans Day Memorial Celebration at Town Hall *The full agenda is outlined below.

10/24/23 Open Letter to the Town of Weston from
Rev. Bernard R. Wilson, Senior Minister, Norfield Congregational Church
Rabbi Michael S. Friedman, Senior Rabbi, Temple Israel

Dear Weston,

On Sunday morning a new set of political lawn signs appeared around town. They referenced candidates running for selectman with the phrase, "Ham & Baloney: more of the same ol' leftovers for Weston." It happens that the targeted candidates are both Jewish and that these signs were often placed next to lawn signs depicting the Israeli flag. The reference to pork products, regarding two Jewish candidates, placed next to the flag of Israel, just days after Israel was attacked adds up to an impact that is antisemitic.

More broadly, we are concerned for the tenor of political discourse in our town and our nation. As a community we want to be in dialogue with each other. We want discourse that affirms, encourages, emboldens and inspires. While we support the right of all Westonites to voice their support for issues or candidates, negative or oppositional messaging coarsens the discourse of our community.

In this community we work hard to raise awareness of how hateful words make others feel. In this case members of the Jewish community feel targeted. We would say the same regarding language that isolates and stokes fear against people of color and our Muslim community. Derogatory language towards any faith, religion or race has no place here.

We believe that human beings generally have good intentions. But sometimes even the best of intentions may have an unanticipated harmful impact. Our hope in writing this letter is to strengthen the fabric of our community and further build the culture of inclusion that so many of us value here in Weston.

In peace,
Rev. Bernard R. Wilson, Senior Minister, Norfield Congregational Church
Rabbi Michael S. Friedman, Senior Rabbi, Temple Israel

Statement from the First Selectwoman
This weekend, various signs were strategically placed throughout our town, and unfortunately, they have sparked fears and concerns amongst our families. Further, the subsequent discussion has shown a divide among our community.

In my capacity as a town leader, it is crucial that I address the matter of these signs and emphasize their inappropriate nature. Regardless of whether they were deliberately designed to be so, the Jewish families in our community, including myself, perceive them as being antisemitic. It is of utmost importance that we approach this issue with the seriousness it deserves and truly listen to the concerns raised.

To gain a better understanding of the situation at hand, I have taken the time to consult with esteemed faith leaders and advisors. I strongly urge everyone to not dismiss this matter when it arises, but rather, to speak up and take a stand against it.

These signs have had a profound impact on our Jewish community members, leaving them feeling a range of emotions:
- Unsafe
- Unwelcome
- Unheard

Our neighbors are in pain, and as a community, we have the responsibility to support each other. I sincerely hope that you will stand with me in assuring our community that we will not tolerate the infiltration of antisemitism within our town. Together, we can make a difference.

With gratitude,
Sam Nestor
First Selectwoman

Veterans Day Agenda for Friday, November 10, 2023
The Weston Veterans Committee invites you to join us in celebrating this great day on 11/10 at 11:10 a.m. on the Weston Town Green.

The Veterans Committee has planned events for Veterans and their spouses that includes events such as a continental breakfast and events at Weston Middle School, the Veteran’s Day Memorial Service at Weston Town Green, and lunch with students at Weston High School. Veteran’s can register for the events at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2023-veterans-day-celebration-at-weston-middle-school-tickets-736356270427?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl (transportation to events is provided from the Senior Center)

Municipal Elections are November 7th
Absentee ballots are available in person from the Town Clerk weekdays, 9 AM to 4:30 PM, and by mail now through November 6.  See the Town Clerk’s webpage for more information: https://www.westonct.gov/government/municipal-departments/town-clerk. For information about voter registration visit the Registrars of Voters webpage: https://www.westonct.gov/government/municipal-departments/registrar-of-voters

Weston – Siversk, Ukraine Sister City Update:
Launched this past June, the Town of Weston adopted our sister city Siversk through a relationship with Ukraine Aid International, Inc, which has laid the groundwork to provide support for those severely impacted by the ongoing war in Ukraine.   To date the Sister City has provided:

Armored Delivery Van: We have successfully procured and delivered an armored van that will deliver bread, water, and medical supplies to the residents of Siversk.

Student Retreat for more than 500 Siversk Students dispersed in the region which will provide social and emotional healing as well as a thread and continuity to their classmates. (Underwritten by the Pesco Family)

Medical Expenses: We are funding on an ongoing basis doctors on the ground who live in Siversk.

Rat Poison was delivered after plea for rat poison to prevent disease.

There is more to fund and the Committee will be reaching out with new initiatives in the near future regarding other opportunities to help our sister city. Click here to donate: https://donorbox.org/weston-siversk-sister-cities?fbclid=IwAR1nvGQCDjgW0gMW2ouY-rzR6w4HGaRIXDntck9ASqjKyD0IX3mDMcf9Ivs  To learn more about the program listen to our podcast here: https://vimeo.com/828794138

Hearts for Ukraine Available at Weston Pharmacy and Community Events
Not sure about how you can help? The Sister City partnership Steering committee has launched “Hearts for Ukraine.” These beautiful handmade bracelets may be purchased completed or as kits, with instructions, for those wishing to make them at home. To learn more about the new hearts for Ukraine campaign and how you can help Ukraine please email the Chair of the Steering Committee Iryna Akolzina at [email protected].

Hurlbutt Elementary School - Early Learning Center Program
Hurlbutt Elementary School’s Early Learning Center (ELC) provides services for Weston’s preschool students who have special education needs. Since there are no general education preschool classes in the school district, we have developed an integrated program to include peer models. The ELC is open to Weston Families only. The program runs five days a week, 8:30 am - 1:15 pm, with parents expected to provide transportation. To participate in the ELC, children must be 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024 and toilet trained. The anticipated cost for the program will be at least $7,315, and the final amount will be shared with families in April 2024.

Applications for Hurlbutt Elementary School’s Early Learning Center (ELC) are now available on the Hurlbutt Elementary School website (https://hes.westonps.org/). We are accepting applications from October 26, 2023 through November 8, 2023. In the event that we have more students apply than open slots, a lottery will be conducted on November 10, 2023. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis after the lottery if additional spots remain open in the program. An in-person informational Open House will be held on November 8th at 2:00 pm. Please RSVP to [email protected] if you are interested in attending. If you are interested in having your child participate in the program, complete the application located at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xrrn5L5YDeQyv750IXgnfIdcSNwF6giejpIL43aFkh0/edit#settings

It can also be found on the district website,http://www.westonps.org, on the Hurlbutt Elementary School Home Page. To find the application click on the “Academics” tab, then “Preschool” where you will find the link to the Preschool Application. For further information, please contact Lisa Valenzisi at [email protected] or 203-221-6583

A Message from WPS Hurlbutt Principal Laura Kaddis Regarding Kindergarten  
Many of you are aware that the State of Connecticut has changed the age requirements for students to enroll in a public school kindergarten. The new law states that students entering kindergarten in the 2024-2025 school year must be 5 years of age by September 1, 2024. For your reference, the change is reflected in Public Act 23-208 section 1(a).  Any child who is not five years old on or before September 1, 2024, but turns five before January 1, 2025, may submit a request in writing to me, Mrs. Laura Kaddis, Principal of Hurlbutt Elementary School, to be considered for early enrollment. Prior to any request, I encourage families to discuss this important transition with their child’s preschool provider.  Students who are enrolled in the Hurlbutt Early Learning Center (ELC) who are not 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2024, will remain in the ELC until they are age-eligible for kindergarten. The Weston Board of Education is in the process of reviewing and amending the Ages of Attendance Policy (5112) to reflect the new legislation. As a reminder, Hurlbutt Elementary School opens the kindergarten registration process beginning in January 2024. Please contact Laura Kaddis directly at [email protected] if you have questions.

Is Solar Right for You? November 1, 2023 - 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Are you curious about going solar? Want to reduce your carbon footprint? Want to save money? Bill Colonis from the CT Green Bank will give an overview on how to think about going solar, including the pitfalls to be wary of and what to look for, as well as how to prepare your home to make the most of it. And if solar may not be what works for you in the present, Bill will review your other options to meet your energy goals. This free program is brought to you in partnership with Sustainable Weston.  https://lachattownfarm.org/register.php?eventid=1645

Weston Receives STEAP Grant of $438,240
Governor Ned Lamont announced that he is approving the release of $24.5 million in state grants for 60 small towns in Connecticut that will be used to complete a wide variety of infrastructure improvements, such as road safety reconstruction projects, sewer and drainage upgrades, sidewalk and pedestrian safety enhancements, recreational facility upgrades, and other kinds of capital improvement projects. Weston received $438,240 in state funding is approved for roof repairs and solar panel installation at the Department of Public Works garage. These panels will be used to power the municipal campus. The grants are provided through the Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP), a state program managed by the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) that delivers grants to small towns for economic development, community conservation, and quality-of-life capital projects.

Weston Sustainability Action Plan - Your input matters
Thank you to everyone who already responded to our Sustainable Weston survey and Volunteer Questionnaire. Our most recent outreach effort is a partnership with Housatonic Resource Recovery Authority (HRRA), Curbside Compost, Lachat Town Farm and the High School Green Team to improve recycling and waste collection at Lachat Events.  Thanks for taking the time to make a difference in our town. Sent on behalf of the Sustainable Weston Town  Committee https://www.westonct.gov/government/boards-commissions/appointed/select-committee-on-sustainability Follow us on Instagram  (https://www.instagram.com/sustainable_weston/) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/SustainableWeston)

Recycling Guide
Recycling facilities are always free and available for all Town residents. We encourage you to reduce, reuse and recycle! Click here to see a printable recycling guide: Recycling Guide 

Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Event in Brookfield 
Saturday, November 4, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Brookfield High School, 45 Long Meadow Hill Road, Brookfield 
Weston residents can dispose of household hazardous waste at this event
Visit the HRRA website for more information:  https://hrra.org/household-hazardous-waste/

Cans and Bottles Program at the Transfer Station with Weston Booster Club
Are you supporting the town’s Cans + Bottles Program? It’s easy and free. Just bring your 5¢-redeemables up to the Transfer Station (237 Godfrey Rd E) and drop them into the three colorful recycling stations – plastics, aluminum, glass -- on the upper level (no permit required). Every Saturday morning at 9 AM rain or shine, WHS sports teams and members of its Green Team gather at the sorting shed to further sort and bag these redeemables. They are then sent off to be turned into cash ($12,000 per year and growing), recycled and, ultimately, reused.  Why support the program? 100% of the proceeds (more than $36,000 over the last three years) are donated to the WHS Booster Club (sports programs) and the Green Team (school sustainability programs). Hundreds of thousands of single-use plastic, aluminum, and glass items are kept out of landfills and repurposed. The program saves the town thousands of dollars in waste-removal fees. And, best of all, it helps hundreds of high schoolers understand the ease, importance, and value of recycling. See you at the Transfer Station. Contact Tom Socha ([email protected]m) or Andrew Bill ([email protected]) for more information and volunteering opportunities.

Trunk or Treat! 
Saturday, October 28 (Rain Date Oct 29)
4:30 to 6:30 pm  - 
Sensory Friendly 4-4:30pm
at Weston Intermediate School Parking Lot
Presented by the Weston Women's League: http://westonwomensleague.org/index.html

Halloween Party at the Norfield Grange!
Sat., Oct. 28th 
Doors Open at 7 pm
12 Good HIll Road, Weston
Venmo $50/Person @Step-Halkowycz
JOIN US IF YOU DARE! Proceeds to the Norfield Grange Scholarship Fund

Lachat Town Farm
Lachat Town Farm has a wide variety of upcoming programs including cooking classes, gardening, photography, yoga and tai chi, knitting circles, and many programs just for kids. Please visit the Lachat Town Farm website for a complete list of programs and events

Renovation of Davis Hill Bridge
Construction is taking place on Davis Hill Bridge. The bridge will remain open to traffic, with occasional short closures during this renovation & resurfacing project. The construction of this infrastructure project is funded with grants from the State and Federal government.

Police Department Locker Room Renovations
The renovations in the basement of Town Hall continues. This renovation provides improved locker room space, new heating and air conditioning and updates this existing space. A reconfiguration of the footprint will allow for a more efficient use of the space and is a much anticipated improvement for our Police Department staff. The locker rooms will include dedicated space for women officers and enable us to be more competitive in the recruitment of female police officers. 

Message from the Weston Assessor's Office
The 2023 Revaluation is taking place and inspections have been happening since March 2023.  The areas of Town being inspected are posted and updated on our website throughout the entire collection process. Data Collectors have badges for identification and their cars are registered with the Weston Police Department.  They will be taking photos as well as requesting an interior inspection be done at the time of their visit.  If a virtual inspection is preferred, a data mailer will follow when an inspection is not granted and the virtual option can be arranged at that time.  Please click here for more information.  Listen to the podcast about the 2023 revaluation here: https://vimeo.com/807322949

Human Services

Weston Human & Social Services is currently taking applications for the 2023-2024 CT Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)
To qualify your total annual household income must be at or less than the following:

- Household Size 1: $41,553

- Household Size 2: $54,338

- Household Size 3: $67,124

- Household Size 4: $79,910

- Household Size 5: $92,695

- Household Size 6: $105,481

- Household Size 7: $107,878

If you think you may qualify or are having difficulty paying your heating bills please call 203-222-2556 or 203-222-2585 to schedule an appointment.

Would you like to be added to the Reassurance Program?
The Reassurance Program is a list of Weston residents who would like to be called by an employee of the Weston Social Services Dept in times  of  Town  emergencies or inclement weather. We encourage those who live alone, don't drive, or have medical needs to register as this list is also shared with Emergency Responders in times of Town emergencies. Please email Rashida Miller, MSW at [email protected] for more information. 

Weston Urgent Assessment Program at Silver Hill
The Town of Weston has partnered with Silver Hill Hospital to provide Weston residents in urgent need of mental health treatment with a timely psychiatric assessment and tailored referral for ongoing care. The Weston Urgent Assessment Program serves children, adolescents, and adults who are Weston  residents at no out-of-pocket cost. The Assessment Program is available by advance appointment only and every effort will be made to offer an assessment appointment within 48 hours of an intake call. To schedule an intake, please complete the form found at https://silverhillhospital.org/new-canaan-urgent-assessment-program/ or call Silver Hill Hospital admissions at 1-866-542-4455 and indicate that you are inquiring about the Weston Urgent Assessment Program. For additional information, call the Town of Weston's Human Services Department at 203-222-2663. Click here for a podcast describing the program: https://vimeo.com/837210170

Youth and Family Services
Please register for the Social Services monthly newsletter!  Our goal is to provide our families and youth with resources that help promote physical and mental well-being through programming, events, referrals, and advocacy.  Be sure to sign up at the bottom of the page to receive our newsletter each month! Click here for our latest newsletter

Parks and Recreation
Parks and recreation wants you to get ready for a winter adventure like no other with our latest flyer! With basketball, the middle school ski club, and before/after school programs available, there's something for everyone. Don't let the season pass you by – join us for some fun! Head to the registration portal to register!  Registration begins on 10/26 at 10:01 P.M. be sure your account is set up correctly, you can login successfully. Please be sure participants are in the correct grade!

Weston WOW! Programs
Weston Parks and Recreation WOW Programs offer After-school programs and summer camps for children, including WOW fun and enrichment classes at Hurlbutt Elementary School, Weston Intermediate School, and Weston Middle School during the fall, winter and spring sessions as well as summer camps.  Click here to visit our website for more information

Board of Selectmen Meetings
Please feel free to attend BOS hybrid meetings where you can watch in person at the Town Hall Meeting Room or you can still Zoom into the meetings, which are always posted on the Town website. Documents, recordings, and minutes are available at: https://www.westonct.gov/government/boards-commissions/elected/board-of-selectmen

Volunteers Needed for Town Boards
The following appointed boards have positions available:  Commission for the Arts, Board of Assessment Appeals Alternate, Beautification Committee, Building Board of Appeals, Conservation Commission, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee, Board of Ethics, Historic District Commission Alternate, Marketing and Communications Committee, Parks and Recreation Commission, Sustainable Weston Committee, Veterans Affairs Committee.  The following elected boards have positions available:  Board of Assessment Appeals, Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate.  Please click here for more information and/or to submit your information for consideration for a position

Board of Education Meetings
Link to details on the district calendar: https://www.westonps.org/358042_2

November 20, 2023
Remote Meeting
6:00 PM

December 18, 2023
Weston Middle School Library
6:00 PM

Weston Senior Center Events and Activities

$5 Exercise Classes!

- Yoga

- Balance

- Strength & Stretch

- Chair aerobics

Pickleball Clinics Intermediate Players Only
ridays, Nov 3, 17, Dec 1, 15 Class limit is 8 players. Join our Pickleball Instructor Alice Addicks to take your skills to the next level! She has been teaching for Westport Continuing Education since 2016.

Our classes have excellent instructors who work with all fitness levels.

Art Classes

Create a Poured Acrylic Painting with Cindy Wagner
Tuesday, November 7 10am-12pm (In-House) $15 Includes all paint BRING TWO 12x12 or smaller canvases. Create your own poured acrylic painting. Learn to mix and pour acrylic paint to create an abstract painting. Students will learn how to thin acrylic paints for pouring techniques, Dirty pours and Dutch pours will be demonstrated. Learn to use strings, squirt bottles, palette knives and straws to create different effects. This is a messy, but easy and fun painting process. No previous painting experience is needed. Dress for the mess!

Holiday Card Stamping Class With Agata Tria (Free)
Wednesday, Dec 13, 1pm Tis the season... to create your very own creative and beautiful holiday cards! Unleash your creativity and discover your inner-artist as you relax, feel inspired, and have fun in this not-to-be-missed Workshop! Learn a variety of artistic techniques so you can create hand painted, personalized cards for your loved ones.

Wednesday Lunches!

Nov 1—Penne pasta with grilled chicken + broccoli + bread from Calise

Nov 8—Shepherd’s pie from Village Market

Nov 15—Thanksgiving celebration lunch @ Norfield Church with turkey, stuffing & mashed potatoes from Calise, followed by performance by Maxine Stone

Nov 22—no lunch

Nov 29—Pizza party + salad from Lunch Box

Dec 6—Baked ziti + meatballs + salad from Lily’s Market

Dec 13—Crustless quiche + salad from Village Market

Dec 20—Holiday celebration lunch @ Norfield Church with Chicken piccata + salad from Calise, followed by Christmas concert with Chris Coogan

Dec 27—no lunch

Please RSVP by noon on Monday. All lunches served at the Senior Center unless noted. Cost is $5 per person.


Senior Scams
Lecture by Weston Police Sergeant Pat Daubert
Wed, Nov 8, 12:45pm
Don’t be a victim! Learn to avoid the scammers that are targeting seniors.

“The Reluctant Soldier” Lecture by Author Mark Perlman
Wednesday, December 6, 1pm, following lunch
The Reluctant Soldier follows the adventures and misadventures of Virgil Carpenter, a teacher at the City College of New York, who becomes an unwitting combatant in World War I and joins the famous Negro regiment, the Harlem Hellfighters. His fictionalized story draws him into the most important events of the twentieth century. An extremely rich documentation on Black Americans in the 369th Infantry Regiment. The post-war years, the interwar period in Paris, provides a vivid backdrop to Virgil’s traumatic and complicated life. Racial segregation and prejudice faced by African Americans are an integral part of American history.


Brain Games with Danielle Lunch (free) will be served!
Thursday, Dec 14, 12pm Join us for a light lunch followed by brain stimulating teasers!

Friday Bingo
November 3rd

Trivia with Mary Lunch (free) will be served!
Tuesday, Nov 14 and Fridays Dec 8 & 22, 12pm Sign up for lunch followed by Trivia. Sponsored By Wilton Meadows


Snacks and Tracks: Trains with Bruce Lorentzen
Thursday, November 9, 10am-11am (bus leaves Center at 9:45) Remember the days when railroads glued the nation together? Remember the tales your parents and grandparents told of all the adventures surrounding trains? Remember the thrill of your first train ride? Relive those days as Bruce Lorentzen takes you through these memories as he demonstrates his Lionel trains. Storytelling and mild (or not so mild) fibbing are a must. All ABOARD!

Holiday Ornament Exchange & Lunch
Friday, December 15, Noon-2pm Bus leaves at Noon from the Senior Center Or meet us there for 12:30 reservation Join us for our annual ornament exchange. Always a fun event! Bring a wrapped new ornament to exchange and money for lunch. We will meet at the restaurant for 12:30 reservation. To look at the menu: www.thereddingroadhouse.com


Decorate a Fresh Wreath with Linda
Friday, Dec 1, 10-11am
$10.00 class fee includes decorations. Bring an undecorated wreath or swag, and clippers, we will provide the rest!

Holiday Cookie Swap
Tuesday, December 12, 12pm
Spend some time with friends at the Weston Senior Center Holiday Cookie Swap! Bring 2 dozen cookies and your recipe! Bring home 2 dozen cookies!

Weston Intermediate School Carolers
Tuesday, Dec 13, 10am
Get in the holiday spirit with festive refreshments and a concert by the Weston Intermediate School Carolers! And then stay for lunch!

Holiday Greens Centerpiece Workshop
Tuesday, December 19, 11am
Join Betty as she leads the group through creating homemade centerpieces just in time for the holiday season. Fresh greens guarantee it will last until the New Year!
Cost $10 per person, 10 people max, so register early.

Holiday Card Painting Class with Gisselle & snacks 
Friday, Nov 17, 1pm
Gisselle will take us through an easy painting project so join the fun!

Card Games

Canasta Players Needed!
Group meets every Friday at 1:00pm

Learn How to Play Pinochle
Date and time to be determined

Caregivers Support Group
With Allison Lisbon, LCSW, MSW
Director of Social Services
Monthly meetings are held every third Tuesday, 1-2pm at the Weston Senior Center. For questions or to be added to the Caregiver Support Group email list, contact Allison Lisbon at [email protected]

Call or email or email the Senior Center to register: 203-222-2608/ [email protected]

Holiday Gift Sale Monday, November 27-Friday, December 1 9am-2pm We have great items and something for everyone. Come and start your holiday shopping with us. All of the money raised directly supports the Senior Center. This year, the sale will be set up in two rooms. We will have one room just dedicated to jewelry. The jewelry ranges in price low to high, vintage to new, Carolee, Trifari and Coro brands

We are collecting new or unused gifts and jewelry for our annual Holiday Gift Sale beginning November 27th. All proceeds from the sale go to the Weston Senior Center to be used for programs, lunches and trips.

Weston Public Library

Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Where to Now?
Saturday, November 18 at 1:00pm
More than a year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Russian expert Scott Licamele will discuss the critical question “Where to now?” and how the U.S. should respond to Russia and China’s threats to our national interests. Scott will also cover Russia’s role in the Middle East, its relationship with Iran and its long-standing support for Iranian proxies such as Hezbollah and Hamas. Register here!

Scott Licamele is a Russia expert with over 20 years of experience dealing in the former Soviet Union. He has worked in various Russia-related capacities, including investment banking (at Sberbank, Alfa Bank, Renaissance Capital & Red Star Asset Management) and government-related activities (at an NGO in Russia which was financed by the United States Information Agency in the 1990’s). Licamele is an independent Russia analyst, currently unaffiliated with any Russia-related entities.

Events for Children and Young Adults
Join us in costume at Creative Corner on Halloween day! Creative Corner is an opportunity for all ages to play, explore, and make something new! We have stations such as foam blocks, LEGO, coloring, painting, play dough, and more. Meet some new friends in the community room between 10-11 A.M.

Stop by the library the first Saturday of every month (11/4) to pick up a Grab & Go Craft while supplies last!

Join us for National S.T.E.M. Day on 11/8 at 4:30 P.M.

Finally, tune in virtually on 11/9 to learn How to Ace the SAT with Big Green College Prep.

Sunday Soundscapes at the Weston Public Library
November 12th is a date you’ll want to reserve to hear the amazing jazz combo led by Jason Anick https://www.jasonanick.com/  Downbeat Magazine calls him “a rising star in the world of jazz violin and mandolin”.  He will be joined by pianist Matt DeChamplain, guitarist Matt Munisteri and Eduardo Belo on bass. These incredibly versatile musicians play in almost every style you can think of, from “Paganini meets Jazz” to bluegrass! Their concert with us in Weston will also serve as the launch of their newest CD release, “A Celebration of Two Jazz Greats: Oscar Peterson and Stephane Grappelli”.  Admission is free; suggested donation Adults $20, Students $10

We also have several education lectures for various age groups such as The 4 Step Method to Getting Into Your First Choice College, Early Start to STEM Education, and  Everything You Need to Know About the New Digital SAT.

Check our event calendar for more ongoing crafting sessions, storytimes, game nights, clubs, playgroups, cultural/educational events, and more. We hope to see you soon!"

Friends of Weston Public Library
Book Sale at Weston Public Library
November 3, 4, & 5
More information: http://www.eventkeeper.com/mars/xpages/xp_newpopevent.cfm?zeeOrg=WESTON&EventID=7351659&sw=1366

Weston History and Culture Center
Coley Cemetery Guided Tour
Join us for an enlightening tour of the Coley Cemetery on Sunday, October 29, 2023 at 1:00 pm.
The Coley Cemetery is located on Weston Road ( Rte. 57) behind Weston Gardens.
Free Event. Limited availability. Tickets Required. Reserve Tickets at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/coley-cemetery-tour-tickets-732326487237?aff=oddtdtcreator

Longtime Weston resident, Karin Giannitti, the Weston History & Culture Center's Executive Director, Samantha Fargione, and local volunteers will guide your through the cemetery as they reveal its history as well as some of the notable individuals and families buried there.  This is NOT a spooky event.  Please wear sturdy shoes!  Tour is 60 minutes. Cemetery terrain is uneven, rocky, and has inclines.  Parking at the Coley Cemetery is limited! If you can, please consider carpooling. If you plan on carpooling, you can leave a car at the Weston History & Culture Center - 104 Weston Road - and carpool to the cemetery from there.  After the cemetery tour, come back to the Weston History & Culture Center for a guided tour of the Coley House and "Weston Illustrated: Penned, Painted & Sculpted"! Questions: email: [email protected]

Click Here for more information.