
Weston Town Hall Happenings for October 6, 2023

Government and Politics

October 6, 2023

From: Town of Weston

Greetings and Welcome to Oct 6th’s Town Hall Happenings!

Opening Note:
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and on Oct 5th. I was joined by Weston School Superintendent Lisa Barbiero, Assistant Superintendent Tina Henckel, Pupil Services Director, Tracy Edwards, Human Services Director Allison Lisbon, Weston Police Sergeant Joe Miceli, State Representative Anne Hughes, and Suzanne Adam, Executive Director of the Domestic Violence Crisis Center, and other members of the DVCC and Weston Community, to raise awareness of this public health crisis. To learn about some startling statistics about the issue please read the Proclamation here: https://www.westonct.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/11055/638321984548994846. This is the third year in a row that we have partnered with DVCC in this program. We are supportive of the DVCC, which provides support for those experiencing domestic violence. The services are free, confidential, multilingual and multicultural - you may call the hotline at (203) 588-9097. You can also call Connecticut’s Safe Connect Hotline at (888) 774-2900

Holiday Closures
Municipal offices will be closed on Monday, October 9. The Transfer Station will be closed Sunday, October 8 through Tuesday, October 10 and will reopen on Wednesday, October 11.

Weston Founder’s Day & Town Green Ribbon Cutting 10/11 at 4:00pm
Celebrate Weston’s 236th Birthday and the completion of Weston’s Town Green at this festive ribbon cutting. Enjoy a live performance from Kristen Hahn and raise a glass to the Beautification Committee and the wonderful donors who helped make this reinvigorated space a reality. Thank you Marc Fontaine for being the Master of Ceremonies.

Coffee With A Cop - October 14, 10:00 to 1:00pm at Lily's Weston Market
The mission of Coffee with a Cop is to break down the barriers between police officers and the citizens they serve by removing agendas and allowing opportunities to ask questions, voice concerns, and get to know the officers in your neighborhood

Municipal Elections are November 7th
Absentee ballots are available in person from the Town Clerk weekdays, 9 AM to 4:30 PM, now through November 6.  See the Town Clerk’s webpage for more information: https://www.westonct.gov/government/municipal-departments/town-clerk.  For information about voter registration visit the Registrars of Voters webpage: https://www.westonct.gov/government/municipal-departments/registrar-of-voters

The Weston League of Women Voters – Answering Your Questions about Voting
With the changes in voting due to COVID over the last few years and the passage of the Early Voting referendum in November, many people have questions about Absentee Voting and Early Voting. The League of Women Voters of Weston will have a table in Weston Center on Saturday October 14th from 11:00 to 2:00 to help answer some of these questions. We will be joined by the Weston Registrars of Voters who will be there to answer questions and register new voters.

Weston – Siversk, Ukraine Sister City Update
After a plea for rat poison and boots for citizens to prevent disease, these much needed supplies will be routed to Siversk, Ukraine, thanks to the efforts of Westonites who generously donated to support the effort through our newly formed Sister City Partnership. Launched this past June, the Town of Weston adopted our sister city Siversk through a relationship with Ukraine Aid International, Inc, which has laid the groundwork to provide support for those severely impacted by the ongoing war in Ukraine.  I recently received a letter from Mayor Vorobiev of Siversk and the current state of Weston’s Sister City is desperate. In the midst this war zone, the people of Siversk have not lost hope. Mayor Vorobiev continues to express his gratitude that the Weston and Siversk communities are bonded not just through Weston’s helping hands but also through our town’s smiles that provide the people of Siversk with optimism to carry them through the end of the war. The committee has successfully raised funds for rat poison, a dump truck, and medical supplies and is halfway there to raising the funds required for boots for its citizens. To date more than $25,000 has been raised toward the target of $150,000 to address Siversk’s needs. Please Donate here: https://donorbox.org/weston-siversk-sister-cities?fbclid=IwAR1nvGQCDjgW0gMW2ouY-rzR6w4HGaRIXDntck9ASqjKyD0IX3mDMcf9Ivs To learn more about the program listen to our podcast here: https://vimeo.com/828794138 

Hearts for Ukraine Available at Weston Pharmacy and Community Events
Not sure about how you can help? The Sister City partnership Steering committee has launched “Hearts for Ukraine.” These beautiful handmade bracelets may be purchased completed or as kits, with instructions, for those wishing to make them at home.  To learn more about the new hearts for Ukraine campaign and how you can help Ukraine please email the Chair of the Steering Committee Iryna Akolzina at [email protected].

Construction in Westport Impacting I-95
Even though it’s not Weston, this could impact our residents. CTDOT will begin its accelerated bridge construction lateral slide on the northbound side of the I-95 Bridge over Saugatuck Avenue in Westport CT, on Friday, October 20, 2023, at 8PM. I-95 will be severely restricted from Friday, October 20 at 8 PM until Monday, October 23 at 6AM. The second side on the southbound bridge will begin Friday, November 3, at 8PM severely restricting traffic on the highway until Monday, November 6, at 6AM.  This is part of ABC – Accelerated Bridge Construction – which means a shorter inconvenience (a whole bridge is being replaced in a weekend!!) rather than long-term detours. FHWA has a lot of info on ABC: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/innovation/everydaycounts/edc-2/abc.cfm

Weston Receives STEAP Grant of $438,240
Governor Ned Lamont announced that he is approving the release of $24.5 million in state grants for 60 small towns in Connecticut that will be used to complete a wide variety of infrastructure improvements, such as road safety reconstruction projects, sewer and drainage upgrades, sidewalk and pedestrian safety enhancements, recreational facility upgrades, and other kinds of capital improvement projects. Weston received $438,240 in state funding is approved for roof repairs and solar panel installation at the Department of Public Works garage. These panels will be used to power the municipal campus. The grants are provided through the Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP), a state program managed by the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) that delivers grants to small towns for economic development, community conservation, and quality-of-life capital projects.

Weston Sustainability Action Plan - Your input matters
Thank you to everyone who already responded to our Sustainable Weston survey and Volunteer Questionnaire. Our most recent outreach effort is a partnership with Housatonic Resource Recovery Authority (HRRA), Curbside Compost, Lachat Town Farm and the High School Green Team to improve recycling and waste collection at Lachat Events.  Thanks for taking the time to make a difference in our town.  Sent on behalf of the Sustainable Weston Town Committee  https://www.westonct.gov/government/boards-commissions/appointed/select-committee-on-sustainability  Follow us on Instagram  (https://www.instagram.com/sustainable_weston/)  and Facebook  (https://www.facebook.com/SustainableWeston)

Recycling Guide
Recycling facilities are always free and available for all Town residents. We encourage you to reduce, reuse and recycle! Click here to see a printable recycling guide: Recycling Guide

Trunk or Treat! 
October 29 (Rain Date Oct 30)
4:30 to 6:30 pm -
Sensory Friendly 4-4:30pm
at Weston Intermediate School Parking Lot

Halloween Party at the Norfield Grange!
Sat., Oct. 28th
Doors Open at 7 pm
12 Goodhill Road, Weston
Venmo $50/Person @Step-Halkowycz
JOIN US IF YOU DARE! Proceeds to the Norfield Grange Scholarship Fund

Renovation of Davis Hill Bridge
Construction is taking place on Davis Hill Bridge. The bridge will remain open to traffic, with occasional short closures during this renovation & resurfacing project. The construction of this infrastructure project is funded with grants from the State and Federal government.

Police Department Locker Room Renovations
The renovations in the basement of Town Hall continues. This renovation provides improved locker room space, new heating and air conditioning and updates this existing space. A reconfiguration of the footprint will allow for a more efficient use of the space and is a much anticipated improvement for our Police Department staff. The locker rooms will include dedicated space for women officers and enable us to be more competitive in the recruitment of female police officers. 

Message from the Weston Assessor's Office
The 2023 Revaluation is taking place and inspections have been happening since March 2023. The areas of Town being inspected are posted and updated on our website throughout the entire collection process.  Data Collectors have badges for identification and their cars are registered with the Weston Police Department.  They will be taking photos as well as requesting an interior inspection be done at the time of their visit. If a virtual inspection is preferred, a data mailer will follow when an inspection is not granted and the virtual option can be arranged at that time. Please click here for more information.  Listen to the podcast about the 2023 revaluation here: https://vimeo.com/807322949

Human Services

Weston Human & Social Services is currently taking applications for the 2023-2024 CT Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)
To qualify your total annual household income must be at or less than the following:

- Household Size 1: $41,553

- Household Size 2: $54,338

- Household Size 3: $67,124

- Household Size 4: $79,910

- Household Size 5: $92,695

- Household Size 6: $105,481

- Household Size 7: $107,878

If you think you may qualify or are having difficulty paying your heating bills please call 203-222-2556 or 203-222-2585 to schedule an appointment.

Would you like to be added to the Reassurance Program?
The Reassurance Program is a list of Weston residents who would like to be called by an employee of the Weston Social Services Dept in times of Town emergencies or inclement weather.  We encourage those who live alone, don't drive, or have medical needs to register as this list is also shared with Emergency Responders in times of Town emergencies.  Please email Rashida Miller, MSW at [email protected] for more information.

Weston Urgent Assessment Program at Silver Hill
The Town of Weston has partnered with Silver Hill Hospital to provide Weston residents in urgent need of mental health treatment with a timely psychiatric assessment and tailored referral for ongoing care. The Weston Urgent Assessment Program serves children, adolescents, and adults who are Weston  residents at no out-of-pocket cost. The Assessment Program is available by advance appointment only and every effort will be made to offer an assessment appointment within 48 hours of an intake call. To schedule an intake, please complete the form found at https://silverhillhospital.org/new-canaan-urgent-assessment-program/ or call Silver Hill Hospital admissions at 1-866-542-4455 and indicate that you are inquiring about the Weston Urgent Assessment Program.  For additional information, call the Town of Weston's Human Services Department at 203-222-2663. Click here for a podcast describing the program: https://vimeo.com/837210170

Youth and Family Services
Please register for the Social Services monthly newsletter! Our goal is to provide our families and youth with resources that help promote physical and mental well-being through programming, events, referrals, and advocacy. Be sure to sign up at the bottom of the page to receive our newsletter each month! Click here for our latest newsletter

Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation offers before & after school programming, swim classes and so much more - this is primed to be a fantastic year! After school programs like the very popular after school Tennis, Sports & Fitness, Powerful Play, Run Club, Volleyball and of course Field Hockey Gr. 3-8 are all included in this session. Registration can be online using the registration portal. The full flyer can be found here  *Many programs have a habit of selling out quickly- don't miss out! 

Weston WOW! Programs
Weston Parks and Recreation WOW Programs offer After-school programs and summer camps for children, including WOW fun and enrichment classes at Hurlbutt Elementary School, Weston Intermediate School, and Weston Middle School during the fall, winter and spring sessions as well as summer camps. Click here to visit our website for more information

What’s Next in Weston?
The “What’s Next in Weston” podcast alternates between Westport First Selectwoman Jen Tooker (called Westport What’s Happening) and Weston First Selectwoman Sam Nestor as part of a public service program that offers perspectives from each town every Monday. “What’s Next in Weston” features First Selectwoman Sam Nestor and special guests. Every 2 weeks, we will discuss projects, programs and activities in our town in a brief five minute interview. Click here for the Vimeo for the podcast and search for the episodes. https://vimeo.com/user115184272

Board of Selectmen Meetings
Please feel free to attend BOS hybrid meetings where you can watch in person at the Town Hall Meeting Room or you can still Zoom into the meetings, which are always posted on the Town website. Documents, recordings, and minutes are available at: https://www.westonct.gov/government/boards-commissions/elected/board-of-selectmen

Volunteers Needed for Town Boards
The following appointed boards have positions available: Commission on Aging, Commission for the Arts, Board of Assessment Appeals Alternate, Beautification Committee, Building Board of Appeals, Conservation Commission, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee, Board of Ethics, Historic District Commission Alternate, Marketing and Communications Committee, Parks and Recreation Commission, Sustainable Weston Committee, Veterans Affairs Committee.  The following elected boards have positions available: Board of Assessment Appeals, Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate.  Please click here for more information and/or to submit your information for consideration for a position.

Board of Education Meetings
Link to details on the district calendar: https://www.westonps.org/358042_2

Monday, October 16, 2023
Remote Meeting
6:00 PM

November 20, 2023
Remote Meeting
6:00 PM

December 18, 2023
Weston Middle School Library
6:00 PM

Lachat Town Farm
Lachat Town Farm has a wide variety of upcoming programs including Music in the Meadow, cooking classes, gardening, photography, yoga and tai chi, knitting circles, and many programs just for kids.  Please visit the Lachat Town Farm website for a complete list of programs and events

Weston Senior Center Events and Activities

$5 Exercise Classes!
The Senior Center offers:

- Yoga

- Cardio drumming

- Balance

- Strength & Stretch

- Chair aerobics

 Our classes have excellent instructors who work with all fitness levels.

Trivia and Crafts
Brain Games and Lunch (free)
With Danielle Ramos
Friday, October 20th, 12:00pm
(Sponsored by National Healthcare Associates)
Join us for a light lunch of sandwiches and salads followed by brain stimulating teasers! 

Trivia with Mary
Wednesday, October 25th at 1:00pm with refreshments
(Sponsored by Wilton Meadows) 

Friday Bingo
October 13th

Art Classes

Acrylic Painting with Nature’s Textures
With Agata Tria
Tuesday, October 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st, 10:00am-12:00pm

$20.00 for series of 4 classes
See the magic happen when you take a real object of nature and apply paint to it making a study of texture, shape, composition and space. Please bring the following to the first class: acrylic paint, brushes, and canvases 

Caregivers Support Group
Tuesday, October 19, 1:00-2:00pm

With Allison Lisbon, LCSW, MSW
Director of Social Services
Monthly meetings are held every third Tuesday, 1-2pm at the Weston Senior Center. For questions or to be added to the Caregiver Support Group email list, contact Allison Lisbon at [email protected] 

Flu Shot Clinic- Westport/Weston Health Department
October 18th 11-1:30pm (Appointments will be taken in September)
Location: Weston Senior Center 

To Register Call the Senior Center: 203-222-2608 

The Senior Center is collecting new and unused gifts and jewelry for our annual Holiday Gift Sale beginning November 27th. All proceeds from the sale go to the Weston Senior Center to be used for programs, lunches and trips.

Weston Public Library
Get involved with the Weston Public Library:

- Those in 1st-4th grade are invited to join us for some fun with TEAM S.T.E.A.M. on Tuesdays, October 10th17th

- Taylor Swift fans are welcome to come out for our second Swiftie party, with the chance to win prizes on October 11th

- We also have several education lectures for various age groups such as  The 4 Step Method to Getting Into Your First Choice CollegeEarly Start to STEM Education, and Everything You Need to Know About the New Digital SAT.

Check our event calendar for more ongoing crafting sessions, storytimes, game nights, clubs, playgroups, cultural/ educational events, and more. We hope to see you soon!"

Weston History and Culture Center
Coley Cemetery Guided Tour
Join us for an enlightening tour of the Coley Cemetery on Sunday, October 29, 2023 at 1:00 pm.
The Coley Cemetery is located on Weston Road ( Rte. 57) behind Weston Gardens.
Free Event. Limited availability. Tickets Required. Reserve Tickets at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/coley-cemetery-tour-tickets-732326487237?aff=oddtdtcreator

Longtime Weston resident, Karin Giannitti, the Weston History & Culture Center's Executive Director, Samantha Fargione, and local volunteers will guide your through the cemetery as they reveal its history as well as some of the notable individuals and families buried there. This is NOT a spooky event.  Please wear sturdy shoes! Tour is 60 minutes. Cemetery terrain is uneven, rocky, and has inclines. Parking at the Coley Cemetery is limited! If you can, please consider carpooling. If you plan on carpooling, you can leave a car at the Weston History & Culture Center, 104 Weston Road - and carpool to the cemetery from there.

After the cemetery tour, come back to the Weston History & Culture Center for a guided tour of the Coley House and "Weston Illustrated: Penned, Painted & Sculpted"!

Questions: email: [email protected]

Click Here for more information.