
What's Happening At The Thomas County Public Library

Schools and Libraries

April 13, 2023

From: Thomas County Public Library System

Thoughts From The Stacks

Musings from the minds of librarians

7 April Who's Got The Time?

I am currently reading Saving Time, by Jenny Odell, author of the 2019 stellar (in my opinion) book, How to Do Nothing.  The other day, I took a 15-minute break from my work and brought the book along to read.  What did I do on this break?  I read, yes, but I also had my eye on the clock to make sure I didn’t run over my allotted break time.  Though I was technically “off the clock”, I was still very much “on the clock” and this gave me pause.

There are numerous differences between my current job in the library and my previous job in fashion.  One of them being that not only I am afforded a whole hour lunch break (I was lucky if I got 30 minutes in the past), but I am also allotted two 15-minute breaks to get away from my work and refresh.  We at the library are very fortunate to have work allowances such as these, as it is not something commonly found in many workplaces.  There are some work environments where your bathroom use is scheduled.  That is horrifying to me: the human being is not a machine.  Yet, why do we enforce that we behave as one?

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New Services At The Thomasville Library

Just in case you didn't hear

Laptops & Hotspots Available to Check-Out!

As of March, each of the TCPLS libraries house Chromebooks available for public use.  Twenty-two (22) Chromebooks are available at the main Thomasville branch and at each of the outlying libraries, in Boston, Coolidge, Ochlocknee, Meigs and Pavo, between four (4) and five (5). 

The Chromebooks check out to any patron with a valid PINES library card who is at least 18 years or older (unless a parent or guardian is present to authorize the check-out).  Each Chromebook comes equipped with ChomeOS, which includes all the applications within Google Workspace, including word processing, presentation building, spreadsheets and email.  Each Chromebook has a loan period of two (2) weeks.  Though they are not renewable, another Chromebook may be checked out if available when the first is returned. 

In tandem with the availability of Chromebooks, the Thomasville headquarters also has five (5) hotspots available for public use.  The hotspots follow the same borrowing policy as the Chromebooks and assist in providing additional digital connectivity to those in the community who are without.

Faxing Now Availble At The Thomasville Branch. 

Out-going faxing $1.00 per page; incoming faxing 10 cents per page.

Programs for Adults

Book to Art Book Club

Tuesday, April 11, 3:00pm

Once a month, our Book To Art Book Club meets to discuss a shared read and create an individual work of art.  The art project is created inspired by themes from the book.  No need to consider yourself an "artist" to join!  New members are always welcome.

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Beginner Yoga

Wednesdays, 9:45am - 10:45am

Interesting in starting a yoga practice?  Join us in our weekly Beginner Yoga Class where we focus on breathe and strength while working on balance and flexibility.  We flow through a simple vinyasa sequence that is accessible for those new to yoga.  Yoga supplies available to those without.  Registration is appreciated but not required.

Sign Up

ESOL Meetup (English as an Other Language)

Saturdays, 10:00am - Noon

Are you or someone you know interested in sharpening their English-speaking skills?  Every week, volunteer native English speakers are available to help out.  Learn in a group or individual setting.  Registration is appreciated, but not required. 

Still seeking additional volunteers!  Click the button below to learn how!

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VITA Assisted Tax Filing

Tuesdays, Feb 7 - April 18.  By Appointment Only.

Volunteers from the IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program will be will be offering free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals.  These qualifications include:

- People who generally make $50,000 or less;
- Persons with disabilities; and
- Persons 65 years or older.

Appointments must be made via phone or in person with our Reference Desk.  Call 229-225-5252 for more details.

Friends of the Library Used Book Sale

Every Tuesday, 10:00am - 5:00pm

Our Friends the the Library used book store is open every Tuesday, from 10am to 5pm.  Here, you will find hardbacks, paperbacks, DVDs, magazines, puzzles and more.  All softly used and in good condition.  Nothing over $5.00.  All proceeds are used to help fund library programs and materials.

Programs for Youth

Arts + Crafts Hour

Tuesday, April 11, 4:00pm

Allow your child’s imagination to blossom through our monthly Arts + Crafts Time. Once a month, we offer a fun and accessible art activity, ranging from watercolor painting to paper crafting to air-dry sculpting. Today, we will be painting kindness rocks for your child to keep, share or nestle away for someone to stumble upon. All supplies provided at no cost by the Library. Intended for ages 4 – 11 with their caregivers.

Story Time: Toddlers + Tykes

Thursdays, 10:30am

Join us every week in the Children's Department for an hour of stories and fun!  Enjoy a few great books, sing songs and recite rhymes designed to enhance the literacy of your child. Every Story Time is wrapped-up with a fun, simple art + craft project.  An excellent space to meet others in the community!


Thursdays, 4:00pm

Calling all kid LEGO masters and first-timers!  Our LEGO group meets every week to create and build whatever they can imagine.  A great place to meet and mingle with other children interested in 3D creation.  We also offer larger LEGO bricks for those who may find the smaller bricks tasty.  Intended for ages 4-11 years with their caregivers.

See Full Calendar

Programs At Our Branch Libraries

Boston Library -

Quiddler Club

Every Tuesday, 2:00pm

Every Tuesday the Quiddler Club meets to socialize and enjoy a few rounds of the word-card game, Quiddler. The object of the game is to get points by combining the lettered cards in your hand and make words.

To join or have any questions answered, call Suzanne Moore at the Boston Library at 229-498-5101. 

Coolidge Library -


Tuesday, April 11, 2:30pm

Join the Coolidge Library’s monthly Bingo game. Enjoy a few friendly rounds of Bingo while meeting and mingling with others from the community. Intended for ages 16+. Call the Coolidge Library for more information: 229-346-3463 

Home Garden Citrus

Wednesday, April 12, 3:00pm

Interested in growing your own citrus fruit trees? Join us for a seminar on growing citrus in the south presented by the UGA Extension Office. Sydni Ingram will be in to speak on soil conditions, types of citrus and ideal planting locations for growing your own citrus trees. All ages welcome to attend. 

Pavo Library - 

Butterflies & Planters

Wednesday, April 12, 4:00pm

Join us as Julie Murphree, from Keep Thomas County Beautiful, brings us a fun, edible 'life cycle of a butterfly' learning session. We will also be planting the planters in front of the library with pollinator plants that will attract butterflies. Intended for ages 2-12, but all ages are welcome to attend. 

Ochlocknee Library -

Crafts for Tweens

Tuesday, April 11, 4:00pm

Activity this week: yarn-bomb vases.  Intended for ages 12 - 17.