
Women in Motorsports North American Film Festival 2025

Arts and Entertainment

February 7, 2025

From: Women in Motorsports North American Film Festival

Join us for the Women in Motorsports North American Film Festival during Women’s History Month. This festival will feature three inspirational films celebrating the groundbreaking achievements of women in motorsports, highlighting their significant contributions, and encouraging future generations to follow in their footsteps.

- “Boundless: Betty Skelton” (47 mins): A documentary that highlights the life of Betty Skelton, America's Wonder Woman, who broke speed records and redefined post-WWII transportation.

- “Paula Murphy: Undaunted” (45 mins): A film that showcases Paula Murphy, the “fastest woman on wheels,” who shattered stereotypes and inspired future generations with her record-setting achievements.

- “Shirley: The Shirley Muldowney Story” (49 mins): A cinematic journey through the life of Shirley Muldowney, a drag racing pioneer whose groundbreaking accomplishments continue to inspire.

Special appearances by award-winning documentarians: Cindy Sission, Executive Director of WIMNA, and Pam Miller, Coordinating Producer for FOX NASCAR & INDYCAR.

Included with ticket: Checkered Flag Reception afterwards at the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum. *Cash Bar 5-6pm*

Tickets: $10 for all three films. Get your tickets today!

Click Here to Buy Tickets

Date: March 15, 2025

Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Location: NCG Cinema Auburn, located at 1111 Smaltz Way, Auburn, IN 46706.

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