Activities Unlimited new web-site is located at To go to the new web-site for the latest information on our club click on the web-site link highlighted above.
Activities Unlimited is an organization of retired and semi-retired men sponsored by the Wyckoff Reformed Church. Purpose of the organization is to provide a means whereby men may come together for fellowship, and to cultivate and expand hobbies or activities that may be of interest to any segment of the membership. It is a non-profit, non-political, and non-sectarian organization.
Monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month beginning at 1:00 PM in the church hall. Prior to the general meeting The AU Guys entertain the membership with music of yesteryear. The business portion of the meeting is devoted to officer and activity chairmen reports, the introduction of prospective members, and the recognition of new members. The meeting is concluded with a presentation by a guest speaker or musical group. Prospective members are sponsored by a member, attend their first meeting as a guest, and are introduced by the sponsoring member. A membership application and information about the organization is provided at that time from the Membership chairman.
The organization offers a variety of activities for member participation. In addition to its own band, activities include; Book Club, Bridge, Camera, Care & Concern, Chess, Gardening, Golf, Hiking, Model Railroading, Science, Stock Market, Investment Study, Skiing, Tennis, and Trips & Tours. Detailed information is provided on subject pages.
A monthly newsletter is published and mailed to all members. It identifies our officers and activity chairmen and how to contact, new members, results of recent activities, details of future planned activities, and other topics of interest.