A community committed to developing responsible citizens, productive workers, and life long learners.
Visions and Goals :
Allegan Public Schools Technology objectives align with State and National Educational Technology Standards. These objectives are integrated within Math, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts, State
of MI content standards.
Make current educational, non-print resources available to every classroom (videotapes, on-line services (Internet), videodisks, educational broadcast programming, computer software, CD-ROM info.,etc).
Put time effective, cost effective and easy to use information management tools and learning tools directly into the hands of students and employees.
Provide students with alternatives to paper/pencil activities. Enable students to produce materials generated by technological tools (internet access, word processing, desktop publishing, data processing, spreadsheets, video camera equipment, electronics, robotics, hydraulic and pneumatics applications).
Improve school/community/business communication by providing easy, convenient access to schoolinformation.
Improve internal staff communication through the use of voice mail and electronic meetings and messaging. These tools can reduce annoying interruptions during class time, reduce traditional mail and eliminate “phone tag”.
Increase staff efficiency by providing the technology, which facilitates electronic messaging, attendance recording, lesson planning and record keeping.
improve staff and student involvement and support by providing regular equipment and software training. (If we underestimate the impact people have on this process, we will overestimate the power of technology.)
Maintain safety, confidentiality and security for all students and employees.
Visions and Goals-Strategies to Achieve
Design a plan for a cost effective, expandable district computer network, district video network and district phone and voice mail system.
Install a cabling system (voice, video and data connections) between buildings and in each classroom and office which allows for growth and change and balances cost with utility needs.
Provide each classroom with a 26” TV, which is cable and satellite ready and part of the video distribution network allowing school announcements. Each classroom will also be equipped with a telephone, VCR, computer and printer.
Develop a computer networking system which can handle the software necessary to manage student records, class scheduling, electronic attendance (staff and students), grade reporting, curriculum data
bases, electronic messaging and calendars, maintenance, transportation and food service needs, athletic scheduling and inventory, and internet access.
Provide a central video center containing a district production studio, videotape, laser disc, CATV, and satellite down-link. This central video center should allow live broadcasts of school news/announcements to every TV in the building.
Provide equipment and software for technical education applications (pneumatics, robotics, hydraulics, etc) and distance learning applications.
Install a system to provide voice mail 24 hours a day. An Allegan Public Schools’ information number or web page should be established for class schedules, home work assignments, school events, lunch menus, meeting schedules, transportation disruptions and school closing information.
Institute a database system that catalogs technology infrastructure and equipment maintenance in order to better define preventative maintenance and obsolescence planning.
Maintain a technology staff, which includes a Technology Director, Technology Assistants and SysOps to keep the voice, video and data networks updated, reliable and secure.