Our mission is to promote physical, mental and environmental health and prevent disease and disabilities of Allegany County residents.
The mission of the Allegany County Health Department is to: Promote physical, mental and environmental health and Prevent disease and disabilities of Allegany County residents.
This mission is a community-wide public health partnership achieved through: Building safe and healthful communities for Allegany County dwellers and visitors
Assuring needed services are available and accessible through:
Assessing and monitoring health status
Networking and building community partnerships
Advocating and developing policy to resolve health needs
Delivering appropriate direct services in a manner that is:
Consistent with highest professional standards
Sensitive to local values and community acceptance
Responsive to client needs
Respectful of client dignity and freedom of choice
Comprehensive by addressing the physical, emotional and social needs of the client and significant care taker
Empowering people toward independence and individual response