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Altus Public Library

421 North Hudson

The Altus Public Library serves the residents of Jackson and Harmon Counties. Residents of other counties may become patrons of the library by paying a $10.00 out of county fee yearly. This fee entitles all  members of the immediate family to use the library and its services.

To obtain a library card you must be 18 years of age and present proof of address such as a utility bill, rent receipt, recently dated mail, or a checkbook. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and must sign the library card giving their children permission to use the library.

The Altus Public Library contains over 60,000 volumes as well as audio books, records, videos and cassettes. The card catalog is on computer. We currently have 3 access terminals. There are 7 Internet access terminals available to the public.
