Rummage Sale American Legion Wauconda
515 S. Main St. Wauconda, IL 60084
Saturday April 6, 2013
9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Free Admission
Baby and kids clothes, shoes, accessories, books, bikes, ride on toys, noise making toys, child safety proofing items and movies. Stuff for all ages including: DVD’s, music, books, clothing, coats, tools, electronics, household items, jewelry, linens, sports equipment, antiques and other collectibles. Choose from hundreds of brand new and gently used items.
American Legion is located .3 miles from the intersection of IL-176 and S Main St./W Old Rand Rd.
Or if coming from S Rand Rd,/US-12, turn on to W Old Rand Rd. and continue on to S Main St. It’s less than a mile from the intersection of US-12 and W Old Rand Rd.