About as:
The Anderson church of Christ is a group of New Testament Christians meeting on Alabama Highway 207 in Anderson, Alabama. We are striving to be a church patterned according to the church found in the New Testament without denominational names and practices. We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, our sole authority in religion. We have no human creeds to set forth doctrine, because through the Bible the Christian can learn all he (she) needs to know to be pleasing to God (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:3).
The Anderson church of Christ is about 120 in number. The focus of the church is to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost of the world. The Anderson church is actively involved in teaching all that we can. The church publishes a weekly bulletin called, Gospel Power, and it is mailed free to anyone that would like to receive it. The church offers CD's, and DVD's of sermons preached at Anderson to those that request them and also offers Bible correspondence courses to those that would like to study the Bible with us.
The church also conducts at least two gospel meetings each year to preach the gospel to those in the Anderson area. The church fully supports the local evangelist, David A. Cox, and is active in supporting gospel preachers in other places as ability and opportunity exist. By supporting the preaching of the gospel, the church is fulfilling the responsibility of being "the pillar and ground of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:15).
We cordially invite you to visit with us at any of our services at the Anderson church. we sing songs of praise to God, observe the Lord's Supper, make a freewill contribution to support the work of the church, approach the throne of God in prayer, and hear a sermon preached from God's Word.
We believe Bible classes are an important part of the work of the Anderson church.
The Bible classes is one way that helps the church to fulfill the mission of "equipping of the saints, for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:12, NASV). There are classes for all ages, from the youngest to adult classes. In all the classes the Bible is taught, no time is spent on politics, crafts, entertainment, etc. The Anderson church has a good number of dedicated teachers who spend much time preparing for their classes.