Our Purpose
Our goal is to bring glory to God by:
Knowing and Celebrating God's love, growing to our full potential and sowing seeds of greatness that will benefit others.
Our Vision :
I dream of a church where bringing honor and glory to God is the number one priority.
I dream of a church where people are more important than protocol, procedure or progress
I dream of a church where:
People who are hurting can find healing.
People who are lonely can find family .
People who are broken can find wholeness.
People who are downtrodden can find joy.
- People who are empty can find God.
I dream of a church big enough to minister to the whole person: spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually.
I dream of a church that seeks to help people discover their giftedness and to equip them for meaningful ministry.
I dream of a church that will impact a tri-county area and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I dream of a church where the people welcome, accept and love newcomers.
I dream of a church where building up people is more important than buildingsl and tradition.
I dream of relocating on 10-20 acres of land on Hwy 150 where we can have beautiful, yet simple facilities including:
A new worship center.
- Large spacious classrooms and fellowship area.
A top notch Christian Day Care and School.
A recreation area including a family care center.
A lay Institute of Training for Discipleship and Ministry