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Aurora Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital

900 Potomac Street


Rebuilding Lives, Renewing Hope

"Spalding is the best thing that could've happened to me.  I would never have come so far in my recovery without Spalding.  At my first visit with my doctor after Spalding, he couldn't believe how well I am doing."  Former Patient


Premier hospital for all physical rehabilitation needs with a specialty in neurological services.
"Spalding was my father-in law's savior and is what brought him back.  It gave him faith and saved him.  I credit Spalding with saving him.  He was so broken. Thank you, Spalding for giving me my 'dad' back" Daughter in law of former patient.


Spalding C.A.R.E.S.

Caring:  "I felt tremendously cared for.  It was a great experience for such a difficult situation." Former Patient

Anticipation of needs
  "I would highly recommend Spalding.  Nurses were great and people accommodating.  Everyone is really on the ball and they did a great job preparing me for home."--Former Patient

Respect: "Spalding is superb.  My wife went to Spalding in almost vegetable state and 4 weeks later was almost a different person. I have extreme respect and admiration for Spalding. It is unmatchable!" -Husband of Former Patient.

  "I took the extra time and rearranged the patient's room to his liking and verbally oriented him to his space because he had lost his vision a few years ago. I verbally oriented him and was able to give him a physical tour of his room. The patient later called to thank me for the time I spent with him outside his regular therapy sessions."--Staff Occupational Therapist.
