For more info and Land Trusts please visit
Avalonia Land Conservancy, Inc. is a land trust dedicated to the conservation via acquisition of natural areas. It is a non-profit, non-political, tax-exempt organization. We believe it is essential to conserve our natural resources for the benefit of wildlife, our present generation, and the generations yet to come.
Avalonia now holds more than 3500 acres of land, preserved in perpetuity as natural open space. Where it is appropriate, trails are maintained for ‘passive’ enjoyment, such as hiking, bird-watching, nature study and photography. We ask that you take only pictures and leave only footprints. Avalonia encourages educational activities and scientific studies on its preserves.
Avalonia depends almost entirely upon volunteer help and contributions to maintain its preserves and to manage its affairs. Avalonia’s officers, directors, and members are your neighbors, who are working to conserve our local natural resources for the common benefit.
Vision Statement:
To be the primary regional and leading best-practice land trust in Southeastern CT, protecting and conserving natural resources including threatened and declining habitats;
Work collaboratively with other land trusts, preservation groups, political entities, not-for-profits, etc. in the southeastern Connecticut area to conserve key habitats;
Create a Strategic Conservation Plan with fully integrated mapping to allow proactive identification of priority acquisition parcels and partnering opportunities;
Grow our Town and Standing Committees to become more robust, fully staffed, and functioning Committees to meet stewardship, acquisition, and other organizational requirements;
Complete and maintain Accreditation with a Board of Directors and Executive Director fully versed in Land Trust Alliance Practices and Standards;
Steward fee properties in accordance with individual management plans and develop public recreational and educational opportunities where appropriate including compliant Universal Access trails where feasible;
Monitor all Conservation Easement properties as required by law and best practices;
Maintain and/or return arable lands to productive farming where appropriate through innovative partnering;
Strengthen financial support of conserved lands while controlling costs and maintaining transparency.