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Barnetts Creek Baptist Church

27 Maddox Road


The Barnett's Creek Baptist Church was constituted on November 30, 1856. On this day the brethren and sisters living in the vicinity of the court ground in the 17th district of Thomas County, Georgia , met according to appointment to constitute a Baptist Church of Christ.

The Covenant , Articles of Faith , and rules of Decorum , which were adopted by the church , were the same as those of the Florida Association. The first pastor of which we have record , Robert H. Harris , was called on March 15, 1878 and served in that capacity until September , 1882.

The court grounds which were previously spoken of compromise that territory in the northeast corner of what is known today as the "Crum Place" on the Old Bainbridge intersection.Our first church building was known to have been situated about 3 miles southwest of Ochlocknee on what is known today as the "Hale Place". It then moved into a field just north of what is known today as the "Mack Chastain Place".

Realizing the need for a more central location for the church , steps were taken to move this place of worship which resulted in the purchase of an acre of land form a member for the sum of $15.00. A one-room , framed building was erected on this present site which stood for over 60 years with a seating capacity of about 500 people. In April , 1939 , this building was destroyed by fire , but despite the inconveniences and hardships we managed to carry on in the old Barnett's Creek School house , which was moved to the old church site by the County Commisioners in May, 1939.

Sunday afternoon , October , 1943 , a meeting was called to discuss possibilities and formulate plans for the erection of a new church. Although incomplete , we held our first service in our new church on Easter Sunday in April of 1944. On June 10, 1945 our present church edifice was dedicated , complete and debt free , to God's glory and cause , at an estimated cost of $4200.00 (not including donations of labor , materials , etc.)

Our memos of the historical record from 1856 to 1878 are very limited since many of the church records were consumed in the fire of 1939.

On May 19 , 1954 Mrs. Guy B. Taylor graciously donated 2 acres of land from her property adjoining the church for the purpose of erecting a pastorium. At the present time , this building has been completed , also a Fellowship Hall with kitchen facilities and ample room for church dinners and gatherings and an annex building for Sunday School rooms and bathrooms have been completed. The annex building also contains a very comfortable and attractive nursery. In 1974 , 3 acres of land were purchased from Mr. Jesse Griner adjoining the church property. This land is to be used for additional cemetery space and for future expansion. In 1975 , we purchased a bus to pick up children and bring them to Sunday School , church and other church fuctions.

In February of 1979 we began renovations to our church building which entailed completely remodeling the interior of the church. Two churches have branched out from Barnett's Creek Church. The first was the Ochlocknee Baptist Church in 1887 and the Pine Park Baptist Church was later organized in 1904.

The Barnett's Creek Baptist Church is in a promising condition for undertaking still greater things for the Lord. It is with deep appreciation and humbleness that we , her members , view the past and with great determination that we face the future. To God be the glory for every accomplishment past , present and future.
