Beaverdam United Methodist Church! For more than 110 years, we have been serving God in the Beaverdam community. We strive to be a friendly, prayful, and laughter-filled congregation that witnesses God's love through worship, Christian education, joyful music, and our willingness to serve others as Christ served us.
We are a small church with a big heart. If you are searching for a purpose in your life or are not sure how God’s plan includes you, you have a reserved seat in our pews.
We invite you to join us this week. Our minister, Rev. Claudia Stallings, delivers meaningful sermons interpreting a 2000-year-old story into 21st century reality. If you are interested in being in a closer relationship with God through Jesus Christ, come visit. Each Sunday is a new opportunity to hear how God can work miracles in your life.